

Strategy Based on Enterprise Culture for Pingdingshan Tianying Group

【作者】 王皓宁

【导师】 秦远建;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 企业文化和企业战略都是20世纪中后期,由理论界在对该时代成功和失败企业进行充分详细的分析研究的基础上,提出的决定企业生存和发展的关键因素。二者都具有长期性、稳定性、和强力性的特点,尤其是近年来,随着全球经济一体化的不断深入,市场竞争愈显激烈、残酷,已为越来越多的工商企业竞相尊奉为制胜法宝。无论是工商界还是理论界,大部分都是分别对二者进行研究,事实上,二者有着密不可分的联系。企业文化不仅是战略制定的根本方向和基础,也是战略成功的动力和实施的关键。借鉴国内外关于企业文化和战略的理论研究,在分析大量企业案例的基础上,笔者得出了基于企业文化的战略模型,提出了企业文化建设是企业战略的重要组成部分,也是企业战略关键的第一步,此外还包括根据企业文化整合和选择竞争资源、产业定位、战略制定、实施等几个步骤。它不是对产业模型、资源模型等战略理论的否定,而是在其基础上的一个补充和完善。 平顶山天鹰集团是国内高压开关制造的三大企业之一,其下属子公司平高电气是第一家也是目前唯一一家在证交所上市的开关企业。近年来,在国有企业普遍效益下滑的形势下,该公司无论在体制创新、产品创新和经营业绩等方面都取得了很大发展,这与该公司特有的企业文化和正确的战略是分不开的。本文最后按照基于企业文化的战略理论,对天鹰集团的战略进行了系统的分析。 现阶段,随着中国加入WTO,中国企业也将越来越融入世界经济的大潮中,希望基于企业文化的战略模型对中国企业能否不断长大成为世界级企业,成为长寿公司,提供一些参考。

【Abstract】 Both enterprise culture and strategy are raised at the middle and last part of the 20th’ century as the key factors influencing enterprise’ survival and development by the theorists based on complete and detailed studying and analyses on plenty of corporations’ success and failure cases. They all have the characteristics of long term, relative stability and great power. Especially these recent years, more and more industrial and commercial enterprises regard them as magic weapons of success facing much globalized economy and severe competition. Normally theorists and business administrations deal with culture and strategy separately, which in fact are quite related. Culture is not only the direction and foundation of strategy making, but also motivation and energy of strategy success and carrying out. With reference to China and foreign theories about enterprise culture and strategy, based on plenty of related cases, this thesis put forward a culture based strategy model, raising that culture construction is an important part and first step of enterprise strategy, and consisting of organizing and choosing enterprise’ resources, business identification, strategy making and carrying out etc. this model is not a contradiction with industry and resource based view, but a further studying upon them.Pingdingshan Tianying Group (TY) is one of the three largest enterprises manufacturing high voltage switchgear equipment in China. Henan Pinggao Electric Co., Ltd., one of it’s subsidiary corporations, is the only one of this field in China issuing shares to stock exchange market. Though many state-owned enterprises have been in serious troubles since market economy, the said enterprise has gained big progresses in many respects, say, performance, technical and ownership innovation, etc. which are thought being mainly originated from TVs unique culture and correct strategy. At the last part, TY’s strategy is systematically analyzed according to the culture-based strategy model.With China entering into WTO, Chinese enterprises are more and more involved into global economy. It’s a sincere hope that this culture based strategy view could do some help to Chinese enterprises for their growing into real international and long-life enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】135

