

Researching of Design Method and Capability of Tube Structure Possessed Double Helix-Cantilever Trusswork

【作者】 卢志青

【导师】 龙炳煌; 王克显;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 结构工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 论文题目: 具有双螺旋悬挑桁架的简体结构性能及设计方法研究一、研究的目的和意义 近年来随着我国经济的发展,城市中对高层甚至超高层办公楼的需求愈来愈多。在各种高层结构体系中,筒中筒结构体系的抗侧力刚度较大且易形成大空间使用面积,故在超高层办公楼建筑中使用较多。但传统的筒中筒结构体系由于底层占地面积一般并不大,且每层垂直及水平公共交通面积较大,所以每层实际办公区使用面积偏小,一定程度上限制了建筑的充分利用。 本课题研究具有双螺旋悬挑桁架的高层建筑结构体系的目的是利用悬挑翼缘使每层建筑面积增加40-50%,从而降低了交通面积和辅助面积所占比例,提高了利用率,因而具有较好的经济效果。 本课题研究的意义:①结构方面,双螺旋结构促使此方案采用圆形平面简体结构。此种结构体系受力性能相对最好,既避免了矩形框筒结构体系中必然存在的剪力滞后问题,又不存在受力最不利的角柱。悬挑结构客观上增加了组成外框筒的框架柱所承担的竖向荷载值,使外框柱在风力或地震力作用下不易出现自身受拉的情形,对整体结构有利。②建筑方面,此方案设计构思独特、造型新颖,可作为城市标志性建筑物,丰富城市轮廓线,即是城市的景观点,又可作为城市中的观景点。悬挑部分作为一个基本办公单元,面积适中,具有良好的天然采光,视野广阔,每个单元有近80m~2的空中花园,在高层建筑中实属难得。从房地产业角度看,也具有很大的吸引力和竞争力。二、研究的内容和方法 本课题中研究的悬挑结构的基本受力单元为一榀空腹桁架组合结构。空腹桁架国外称维氏桁架(Vierendeel truss or open-wed truss),受力性质是以弯矩为主的刚架,且兼有桁架的受力特点。 本课题的研究目标和内容足利用计算机对双螺旋悬挑空腹桁架组合结构进行精确分析,找出力学模型中不合理的部位进行有针对性的改进并对特殊部位的构造要求和相应的施工方法提出自己的初步办法,以便同行论证和改进;对双螺旋筒中筒超高层建筑结构整体进行分析计算,对计算结果(地震作用下各构件的内力和位移)进行总结归纳, 以达到可以进行工程实际设计的程度要求,风荷载下的受力计算本论文暂不研究。 为此,拟解决以下关键问题: (1)合理选择高层建筑结构体系的类型和各项构件的初步尺寸,必须满足 武汉理工大学硕士论文 相应建筑结构规范和施工条件的要求。 (2)利用有限元软件 ANSYS对所选结构单元进行计算分析;利用其它多高 层空间结构分析软件如SS、SSW和TBSA对整体结构进行计算分析。 (3)通过计算结果与实际要求的对比,评定此种新型建筑结构体系的可行 性;特殊的建筑外形在地震力作用下是否使整体结构产生扭转。 (4)通过改变翼缘部分悬挑长度与筒体直径的比例产生的计算结果对比分 析以确定合理的尺寸;通过内力分析选用合理的析架节间尺寸;应用不同的 力学模型以模拟本工程所涉及的四种悬挑衍架组合结构;分析层高的改变对 各种计算结果的影响。 (5)提出独特的构造要求和施工方法,必要时进行施工计算。 在进行以上工作时,采用以下研究方法: 门)建立力学模型 一榆悬挑空腹析架组合结构的力学模型见第三章图3-8; 标准层结构平面图见第三章图3-9:(每个标准层的悬挑翼缘部分的方位均以 其下一层的位置逆时针旋转15“而定) (2)有限元分析 利用有限元软件ANSYS建立分析模型,分析模型用于计算结构或构件各种类 型的应力和应变。假定:a.混凝土和钢为均质弹性材料;b.本课题只进行弹 性分析。 (3)讨论及可行性研究 由于此种组合结构体系未经过实践,论文中所涉及的特殊构造措施和施工 方法均为依据常规的设想方案,今后必然要经过专家讨论及可行性论证之 后方可实行。 (4)组合分析 将本文的 ANSYS计算结果与工程设计软件 TfBSA对此挫筑结构的整体计算结 果作组合分析,会得出极具参考价值的最终结论。 三、研究成果和创新点 门)一种极富实际应用前景的新型结构方案—一具有双螺旋悬挑组合柿 架的高层建筑结构体系的理论研究报告和论文; (2)空腹析架用于高层建筑的大跨度悬挑结构;钢制拉索与数祸析架竖向 组成一种组合结构;建筑的防火疏散有明显优势和特点;特殊的结构 方案形成了独特的建筑造型,真正体现了建筑的结构美。 四、结论?

【Abstract】 I . The purpose and the meaning of researchAlong with the development of the our country, city needs more and more high office budilings in recent years.In the every kind of high structure system, for framed-tube structure system,the ability to resist lateral force is stronger than others. And easily form the great space to use , so it was usually made use of high office budilings .But to the normal framed-tube structure system, because the first floor cover the area general dose not big, and the perpendicular and level the public transportation area of each story is big, therefore in deed the area of each story to use is small,at a certain degree it limits plenty of using of the building.The purpose of researching the tall building structure system possessed double helix-cantilever trusswork is make use of the cantilever wing part making the each story ’s area increasing 40-50%, so reduce proportion to occupy for the transportation area and assistant area, increasing the rate of utilization, so can own better economicbenefit.The meaning for research of this task: ?structure aspect, this project must adopt the circular flat tube structure for double helix structure.This kind structure system’s carrying capacity is oppositely best, not only avoided the problem of shear forcet lagging in the rectangle framed-tube structure system inevitably existent, but also nonexistent suffer the most disadvantageous colum of the corner.Cantilever structure is really to increase the vertical loads for framework columns belong to outside framed-tube, making the outline pillar under the force of wind or earthquake force does not easily appearing the oneself suffering pulling of frame pillar lying to the outline tube , to be beneficial to the overall structure.(2) building aspect, this project of the design conceive outline special, the shape is novel, and can be used as the city marking building, and enrich the skyline of a town, not only as the city’s landscape point, but also be used as the sky deck in the city.The cantilever part is used as a basic office unit, area is just right, can adopt good and natural light, visual field vast, each unit has near 80 m2 sky garden, in the tall building truly hard to comeby.From the real estate industry to see, it also has very big attraction and competitionability.II. The content and the method of researchIn this paper, basic mechanical unit of cantilever structure for researching is an open-web trusswork of combining, open-web truss abroad also call the Vierendeel truss, it belong to rigid frame most carrying bending moment, and at the same time contain trusswork characteristics.The target and contents of this task researching is make use of the computer to proceed precisely analyzing to double helix candilever open-web trusswork of combining, finding out the part that illogicality in the mechanics model, proceeding having aim at special part request with bring up the own first step way, in order to together argue and improve with others;For double helix framed-tube tall building structure proceeding analysis calculation to the overall building, to calculation result(each member’s internal force and movement after earthquake function) proceeding tally and inducing, then can attain proceeding actual design of engineering request, the calculating under the wind loads this thesis does not study temporarily. For this, intend the solution below key problem:(1) Reasonably choose the type of the tali building structure system and each member’s first size, must satisfy correspond to building structure norm and the request of term construction.(2 ) Make use of the finite element software ANS YS to proceed to the structure unit chosen the calculation analysis;Make use of other many high building space structure analysis software as SS, SSW and TBSA,proceed to the overall structure with calculation analysis.( 3 ) Through the contrast of the computer result and actual request, assess the possibility of the system of this kind new building structure;The special build

  • 【分类号】TU973.1
  • 【下载频次】176

