

The Enlightenment and Financial Reform of the East Asia Areas after Asia Financial Crisis

【作者】 孙洁

【导师】 周军;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 产业经济学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 1997年爆发的亚洲金融危机人们至今还记忆犹新。因为这次金融危机发生在我们的邻国,而且这些国家和地区又与我国的发展水平、文化背景相近,所以引起我们足够的重视。中国是发展中国家,我国与东亚国家有很多相同或相似的地方,它们的经验教训是值得我们借鉴与吸取的。 本文首先分析了东亚国家和地区金融危机爆发的原因,通过对它们金融体制特征的分析,论述了它们金融体制在特定的经济时代所起的作用及在现阶段的缺陷。然后分析了东亚国家金融体制改革的举措,总结出它们改革的成绩和不足的地方,得出了它们的改革对我国的几点启示,主要是:1.按照“渐进式”与“爆炸式”相结合的原则推进金融体制改革;2.拓展金融业务领域,深化国有独资商业银行的企业化改革;3.建立商业银行呆账处理机制;4.鼓励多层次的金融创新;5.进一步加强金融监管,防范和化解金融风险。在此基础上,研究了我国金融体制的现状,分析了中国金融体制存在的问题包括金融体制的缺陷和我国会融业在实际运用中存在的问题。本文认为在金融全球化的趋势下,对我国的国有商业银行来况,主要是要优化产权结构,建立商业银行制度;逐步实现商业银行从分业经营到综合经营的转换;逐步推进商业银行经营的国际化进程;尽快建立现代商业银行业务体系。同时要加快发展非国有的银行体系以及加强和改进金融监管,提高金融监管绩效的建设。所以在现阶段我国应该积极调整金融改革的思路,加速金融体制改革的步伐。

【Abstract】 People still remember the Asia financial crisis that broke out in 1997. Because the financial crisis took place near our country and they have similar backgrounds with our country, we took it seriously. China is a developing country and since we resemble the East Asia countries in many places, we can learn a lesson from their experience.The paper first analyzed the reason why the financial crisis happened in East Asia countries and areas. Through the analysis of the character of their financial system, we discussed the function they played in specifically economic time and the limitation they have now. Then we analyzed the innovative measure that the countries took, and summarized the achievement and the shortage of their reform. We made a conclusion about the revelation we get from them as following; first we should push financial system reform with proper speed. Second we should extend the scope of financial operation, deepen the reform of state-owned commercial banks. The third we should set up a system to tackle the bad debts of commercial bank. The fourth we would encourage financial innovation of different levels. The fifth is to reinforce financial supervision and guard against financial risk. On the base of the things above, we analyzed the financial system of our country and found the problems existed in the system, including the disfigurement in financial system and the problem happened when the system in use. We think that on the trend of globalization, our state-owned commercial bank should rebuild the structure of the property right, and build modern commercial bank. Second we should realize the change from single operation to multi-operation step by step. The third we should push commercial bank to international course. And the fourth is to set up modern commercial bank operation system in time. At the same time, we should develop none state-owned bank system and strengthen financial supervision. So in this moment we should change the mind of financial system reform initiatively and accelerate the step of the financial reform of our country.

【关键词】 金融危机金融体制金融改革
【Key words】 financial crisisfinancial systemfinancial reform
  • 【分类号】F833.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】532

