

A Research into Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Production Operation Mode in Auto Industry

【作者】 邹恒琪

【导师】 李必强;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 面对21世纪知识经济的挑战、国际竞争日趋激烈,许多国家开始制订了意在提高自己国家在未来世界中的竞争地位、建立竞争优势的先进制造技术。 中国的入世,促使中国汽车工业将与国际汽车厂商同台竞技。如何“与狼共舞”并在竞争中壮大,这是我国汽车工业面临的严峻课题。 本项研究主要是通过对先进制造技术核心内容和生产模式发展演变的分析,揭示先进制造技术与生产运作模式的互动关系。通过对东风汽车公司“一个流”生产方式和CIMS应用工程的案例分析与研究,针对我国汽车工业现状与国际汽车工业的差距,提出了我国汽车工业应如何把制造技术与生产运作模式统一协调以及我国汽车制造技术与生产运作模式的对策。

【Abstract】 Confronted with the challenges presented by the Era of Knowledge Economy in the 21st century, many countries start out to make plans for advanced manufacturing in an attempt to establish their competitive advantage, so that they might be able to acquire a favorable position in future competitions.China’s WTO-entry means that Chinese auto manufacturers are now in the same arena to compete with their foreign counterparts. How can we grow strong in the "dance with wolves"? This is an urgent and austere question to which Chinese auto manufacturers must find a solution.This study aims at reveal the interactive relationship between advanced manufacturing technology and production operation mode by analyzing the core contents of advanced manufacturing technology and the evolution of production operation mode. This article also studies the JIT (Just-in-Time) operation mode practiced in Dongfeng Motor Corporation (DFM) and the applied engineering of Computer Integrated Manufacturing System (CIMS) through a case-to-case analysis approach. After analyzing the current situation of the Chinese auto industry and the gap between Chinese and international auto industry, the author proposes that the Chinese auto industry should seek for coordination between manufacturing technology and production operation mode. Development trend of the manufacturing technology and production operation mode is also predicted and relevant countermeasures are suggested.

  • 【分类号】F407.471
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】706

