

Researching the Accounting Theory and Practice of Asset Reorganization

【作者】 孟智

【导师】 邓明然;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 会计学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 资产重组越来越成为企业实现资源再配置、优化资本结构、完善公司治理结构的重要方式,而资产重组业务也对企业会计的改革和发展提出了新课题。我国上市公司的重组成绩是显著的,但是在重组中存在的问题也是不容忽视的。本文拟从分析资产重组中的会计问题入手,为完善我国资产重组会计的理论与实践提一些粗浅的看法。 本文共分五个章节。第1章是资产重组概述,主要介绍了资产重组的概念、主要类型及其定位。第2章是资产重组会计的理论研究,分析了资产重组对会计假设的挑战、对会计原则的冲击及对会计要素的影响。第3章是资产重组会计的实践分析,对扩张型资产重组、收缩型资产重组、整合型资产重组的会计问题进行了综合分析。第4章是资产重组会计规范建设,从资产评估、信息披露、会计准则、外部监管等几个方面规范资产重组会计。第5章是资产重组典型案例分析。 第2章和第3章是本文的重点。针对当前由于不规范的资产重组行为所导致的种种会计问题及其所代表的不同经济利益关系,提出应该对传统的会计假设、会计准则、会计方法进行调整、完善和发展。从资产重组所产生的资源配置、利益分配问题入手,探讨这些问题对会计理论的影响,从而提出完善会计理论的思路和观点。对不同资产重组业务中产生的具体的、有代表性的会计业务进行分析,并根据分析中发现的问题做了进一步的分析。 通过对近年来上市公司资产重组业务的广泛调查,对当前我国上市公司资产重组的现状进行了具体分析,并针对上市公司资产重组定位中存在的种种误区,提出资产重组是调整企业边界的交易行为,与此相对应的会计理论和实务也应该能够计量和报告重组中的风险和代价,而不应该成为粉饰企业的工具。 目前我国会计信息系统在客观反映资产重组中产生的问题方面还有很长的路要走,其中的原因错综复杂,既包括会计理论和会计技术方面欠缺,也包括会计法规、制度的滞后。为了解决资产重组中产生的会计问题,需要完善资产重组会计的规范建设,使资产重组会计从理论和实践上都得到不断的完善和发展。

【Abstract】 Asset reorganization, ever becoming an important mode of resource redistribution, optimization of capital structure and perfection of corporation governance, poses a new task for the reform and development of financial management. The listed companies of our country have made prospers success. However, the problems in the reorganization of the listed companies could not be omitted. This thesis starts at analyzing the accounting problems in the asset reorganization, providing some suggested opinion to optimize the asset reorganization theory and practice of our country.This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapterl Introduction to asset reorganization. Mainly introduces its conception, main types and position. Chapter2 Theory Study of asset reorganization accounting. Analyzes its challenge to accounting postulate, impact on accounting principles and influence on the accounting factors. Chapter3 Practical Analysis of asset reorganization accounting. Analyzes comprehensively the accounting problems of extensive, contractive and compound reorganization. Chapter4 Regulation of establishment of business reorganization accounting. Regulates its accounting from the aspects of asset appraisal, information disclosure, accounting standards and external supervision. Chapter5 Case study of asset reorganization.Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 are the corn parts of this thesis. It advises to adjust, optimize and develop the traditional accounting postulate, accounting principles and accounting methods according to kinds of accounting problems as a result of informal action in asset reorganization and the different economic relations it represents. In view of the resources allocation, dividends distribution, it discusses the influence to the accounting theory, and provides ways to optimize the theory. Analyzing different specific accounting business in different asset reorganization, we also analyze the problems produced in analysis.Through the extensive investigation of reorganization in listed companies, analyzes the current situations of reorganization in details. In view of the mal-position of asset reorganization in listed company, point out it is an edge behavior but never a "window-dressing" tool, whose risk and price should be measured in practice with financial theory.Currently, the accounting information system still has a long way to go in reflecting problems of asset reorganization. The reasons are complicated: it not only includes the insufficient accounting theory and accounting technology, but also includes the sluggish accounting law and accounting system. In order to solve the accounting problems occurred in asset reorganization, efforts should be made to perfect its regulation establishment both in theory and in practice.

  • 【分类号】F275
  • 【下载频次】490

