

Algorithm Study on Intelligent Scene Surveillance System

【作者】 马维迪

【导师】 周泽魁; 张光新;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 场景监控系统用于对指定的场景区域进行监视,并把场景内的视频信息传递给监控者,使其能根据相应的情况采取适当措施的系统。监控系统的发展大致经历了三个阶段:模拟场景监控,数字场景监控,智能场景监控系统。智能场景监控系统能把场景内的信息经过智能化的处理后传递给监控者,同时监控者也可通过交互手段对监控过程进行控制,实现对既定场景高效的监控。它融入了视频图像序列理解和计算机视觉的相关知识,在军事、商业、生活上的应用越来越广泛。国际上智能监控领域研究已经达到相当水平,国内则处于刚起步阶段。 本文研究了基本的智能监控系统应具备功能的软件算法,在低层处理算法方面,研究了算法的结构,并针对实际应用中可能出现的问题及算法的时效性等方面进行研究,如对噪声、错误检测的排除、多运动对象的同时处理及合理缩减需处理的信息量等;高层算法方面,基于人工智能的知识和国外该方面的研究,提出了基于规则的事件识别方法;此外,还建立了可扩展的智能监控原型系统,实现了一些简单的检测识别功能,可作为未来的更深入的研究开发的基础;最后本文对原型系统今后如何发展为更为完善和强大的智能场景监控系统提出了若干建议。

【Abstract】 Scene supervision and control system is used to supervise a certain scene, transfer the video information in the area to the supervisor, and make supervisor do something according to corresponding condition. There are about three phases during the development of supervision and control system: simulative scene supervision and control system, digital scene supervision and control system, intelligent scene supervision and control system. Intelligent scene supervision and control system can transfer data in the scene that are intelligently processed to the supervisor while the supervisor can in turn control the scene supervision process and confirm an effective supervision and control system in the certain scene. It includes video picture list understand and computer ocular knowledge. It can be widely used in military affairs, commerce, ordinary life. Now research in the intelligent supervisor and control system in the world has reach to an advanced level but in our country it just begins.The thesis works over the basic software disposal arithmetic that the intelligent supervisor and control system should have. In low level, Study the structure of arithmetic, the problems that may appear in real application and effect of arithmetic such as yawp and error check elimination, dealing synchronously with multi moving body, reducing thedata needed disposal with reason. In high lever, based on knowledge of artificial intelligence and research in this field, bring forward identification way based on rule. What’s more, build an extendable antetype of intelligence supervision and control system and realize some simple check and identification function that is the basement of further research. In the end of the thesis, bring forward some suggestions about how to expand the antetype system to a more integrate and power intelligent scene supervision and control system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】289

