

Effect of Isoflavonic Phytoestrogens-Daidzein on the Digestion and Metabolism and the Levels of Relative Hormones of Goats

【作者】 聂芙蓉

【导师】 王艳玲;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 基础兽医学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验研究了十二指肠灌注大豆黄酮对山羊瘤胃和十二指肠消化代谢以及血液中几种内源性激素水平的影响。 试验用四只装有永久性瘤胃瘘管、十二指肠T型瘘管和临时颈静脉插管的本地空怀母山羊,年龄一岁左右,平均体重为20kg。采用前后自身对照,分为对照期和试验期,均为12天。对照期每天通过十二指肠瘘管灌注生理盐水5ml,试验期则灌注大豆黄酮生理盐水混悬液5ml(含大豆黄酮200mg)。瘤胃液的分析结果表明,十二指肠灌注大豆黄酮,能显著提高瘤胃液pH值、细菌蛋白(B-P)和氨氮(NH3-N)浓度(P<0.01);瘤胃液三氯醋酸沉淀蛋白(TCA-P)和原虫蛋白(P-P)含量也有所提高(P>0.05);瘤胃液总挥发性脂肪酸(TVFA)和丙酸(C3)的摩尔百分比均显著增加(P<0.01),乙酸(C2)的摩尔百分比有下降趋势(P>0.05),丁酸(C4)的摩尔百分比显著下降(P<0.01);乙酸/丙酸(A/P)比值从对照期的3.84下降到试验期的1.83(P<0.01)。提示,大豆黄酮能提高瘤胃微生物蛋白的合成能力,改善瘤胃的发酵类型,使瘤胃发酵趋于丙酸型。对十二指肠食糜的分析结果表明,十二指肠灌注大豆黄酮,能显著提高十二指肠食糜流量、氨氮和微生物氮(P<0.01),而总氮、脲氮(P>0.05)、非氨态氮、过瘤胃蛋白(BPN)都有所下降(P<0.05);十二指肠食糜中氨基酸总量和必需氨基酸(P>0.05)以及非必需氨基酸(P<0.05)都分别比对照期提高了35.95%、39.26%和30.22%,其中天冬氨酸、缬氨酸、异亮氨酸、亮氨酸分别比对照期提高了54.17%、37.92%、36.18%和45.35%(P<0.05)。提示,十二指肠灌注大豆黄酮,能增加山羊的尿素再循环和蛋白质再生能力,提高十二指肠食糜中微生物蛋 白(MCP)和非必需氨邀酸及柴些必需氨基竣钩含量__.对蜘中几 种激素含量的分析结果洲,十二指肠褒注大豆黄酮〕可显靴高血 液中L、L、GH和巳水平仟<敌o-),一测化赠期提高128.57%、 124.12%、106.49%和72.34%。丁.提示,。-大豆黄酮可通过调节内源性激 素水平来间接调节反刍动物的生长和瘤胃的消化代谢。

【Abstract】 The experiment studied the effect intraduodenal infusion of Daidzein on the digestion and metabolism and the levels of relative hormones of goats.Four local non-pregnancy female goats(average weight 20kg and one year old) fixed with permanent rumen fistulas^ duodenal cannula and temporary juglar vein catheter were used in the experiment. The study was divided two periods which had been made composition by themselves. The two periods all were twelve days. About 5ml physiological saline was infused into duodenum in control periods, the suspended liquid which mixed with Daidzein and physiological saline(including Daidzein 200mg)was infused into duodenum in treatment periods..The result of rumen fluid showed that intraduodenal infusion of Daidzein increased rumen fluid pH value(P<0.05), protein content of bacterial protein(B-P) and ammonia nitrogen(NH3-N) concentration significantly(P<0. 01); the protein content of rumen fluid trichloroacetic acid protein(TCA-P) and protozoal protein(P-P) tended to be higher than that of control period(P>0.05). The concentration of total volatile fatty acid(TVFA) and the percentage of acetic acid in rumen fluid all increased significantly(P<0. 01), the percentage of acetic acid tended to be lower (P>0.05), the percentage -of butyric acid decreased significantly (P<0. 01), C2/C3(A/P) rate decreased from 3.84 for control to 1.83 for treatment. This suggests that Daidaein can increase the synthesis capacity of ruminal microbial crude protein and alter the rumen fermentation pattern, tend to propionic-type fermentation.The result of duodenal digesta showed that intraduodenal infusion of Daidzein can increase the flow of digesta, ammonia nitrogen concentration and microbical nitrogen content significantly(P<0. 01), but the total nitrogen and Urea nitrogen (P>0.05)> Non-ammonia nitrogen and by-pass protein nitrogen (P<0.05) all decreased. Total ammonia acid content * necessary ammonia acid content (P>0. 05) and Non-necessary ammonia acid content (P<0.05) all increased by 35.95%, 39.26% and 30.22% compared with those of the control period, the asparagine(Asn), valine(Val), isoleucine(Ile) and leucine(Leu) also increased by 54. 17%, 37. 92%, 36.18% and 45. 35%(P<0. 05) compared with those of the control period.Those results indictated that Daidzein can increase the recycle capacity of Urea and the regeneration capacity of protein of goat and increase the MCP and Non-necessary ammonia acid contents in duodenal digesta. The result of relative hormones in blood show that intraduodenal infusion of Daidzein can increase the levels of T3, T4, GH, E2 in blood significantly(P<0. 01), they all increased by 128. 57% , 124. 12%, 106. 49% and 72. 34%. Those results indicated that Daidzein can regulate the growth and ruminal digestion and metabolism of ruminant indirectly through regulating the levels of endogenous hormones.

  • 【分类号】S827
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】193

