

Research on Construction and Application of Land Use Database System for County

【作者】 陈伟强

【导师】 吴克宁;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 土壤学, 2001, 硕士


【摘要】 人类社会进入二十世纪中后期以来,人类文明处于一个信息社会的阶段,今天的信息技术以前所未有的速度深入到世界各地的各行各业,在各行各业实行数字化、信息化的浪潮中,我国土地信息数字化工程作为国家空间数据基础设施的一部分也得到了长足的发展,在这一大背景下本文对县级土地利用数据库建设的方法过程进行了研究。 在本文第一部分综述中,明确了本次工作的背景与意义、相关学科的发展、国内外的研究动态。首先对全球正在进行的数字化、信息化浪潮进行介绍;其次对本次研究工作的大背景“数字地球”的提出、三S技术的发展、数字国土工程的启动、土地详查的成果几个方面进行了介绍。接下来对国内外数字化地理信息建设和土地信息系统建设的进展进行了剖析和比较,在此基础上引出了县级土地利用数据建设的意义和依据。 第二部分对县级土地利用数据库的建设时期进行了划分。共划分系统分析、系统开发、系统维护三个时期,并重点对系统分析时期进行了论述。系统分析时期分为确定任务、 可行性研究、需求分析、结构框架设计四个邵分。可行性研 究表明:由惬师市土地管理局与我们合仆升发堰师市土地利用数据库系统从数据方面、杖术方面和资金方面都是可行的。结构枢架设计从系统的功能V计、扒据打构设计、和系统软硬件设计三方面进行了详细论述。 第三部分对县级土地利川数据库的拔库过程进行了详细说明。首先是对土地利川数儿库的a、体(讨-;数据库的总体结构由图幅检索表、数据字寸冬和各斗的引司与属性数据所组成,本小节对各个部分的含义、内‘。‘f进入了说明,对级据的采集、分类编码、文件命名…。属性入、札进行了设计。其次是对资料和技术的准备工作人行了},明,详细列出了建库所需的各种图件、台帐表格、_二子说。’2和{种物质设备,说明本次建库的依据和技水路线、以及、。库〔1软、硬件环境,并对 MAPU S和土地利用敛据库系统进厅了l丫单介绍。接下来是对数据采集处理及建库过程卜们羊细。叶;明。指出本次数据库建设过程分以下几个阶段:门 工作J、厂备;门)资料预处理; 门)数据采集、编辑处理;门)数烬建厂;门)建库质量控制Z 门)图件表格数据输出人文字卜告纵牙 卜)数据库成果验收;门)成果归档;门)数据斡更新与应用;门们数据* 库运行与管理。本节对前五部分内容的具体操作方法和应注 意的问题进行了详细的论述,资料预处理是对图面和台帐进 行全面的检查,对发现的问题及时进行解决;数据采集、编 辑处埋包括:图件扫描、图像校正、光栅分层矢量化、误差 校正、投影变换、文件分层、属性数据录入、图形接边、图 幅拼接等工作。数据建库是首先通过建立数据字典和分幅索 引表,然后与各数据层一起组建土地利用数据库。建库质量 控制贯穿于以上各个步骤中。 第四部分是将计算机量算面积与原始详查量算面积进行 对比,主要从图斑面积对比、图幅面积对比、市、乡两级辖 区汇总面积对比、土地利用现状一级分类面积对比四个方面 对数据库的数据精度进行了比较分析,并对引起两者差异的 原因进行了讨论。 第五部分介绍了数据库更新的方法,分变更数据的采集 和数据变更两方面进行论述。变更数据的采集介绍了图形未 发生变化和图形发生变化的数据采集方法,数据变更分别介 绍了线状地物、图斑、零星地类、行政辖区、不同来源数据 五个方面的变更方法。 第六部分论述了县级土地利用数据库的应用,最后以坡 !* 耕地调查与评价和基本农田保护区的划定为例,具体介绍了 土地利用数据库的运用。坡耕地调查与评价中重点讲述了这 项工作的背景和意义以及县级土地利用数据系统在这项工作 中的运用。在基本农田保护区的划定工作中阐述了我国的基 本农田保护制度,土地利用数据库系统在编制基本农田保护 图和面积汇总时比传统方法的优越性。 第七部分介绍了成果的管理。囚为电子数据有别于传统 的数据,比传统的数据更容易被非法修改、复制、传播和破 坏;提出县级土地利用数据库成果的管理应从数据加密、数 据存取控制和计算机病毒的预防与清除三个方面对数据进行 保护。 最后两部分讨论了本决建库过程中遇到的一些问题与解 决方案,并对县级土地利用数据库建设提出了几点建议。

【Abstract】 Since the human society enters the later period in the 20lh century, the human civilization is in the stage of an information-intensive society. Today, the information technology has permeated in all fields of the world at an unexampled speed .In the tide of all trades actualize digitalization and information, our country’s land information digitalized project has received considerable development as a part of national spatial data infrastructure. Under the great background, this paper clarifies the method to build the county level land utilize database.Among the summary, I clarify the background, the meaning, The relevant subjects’ development, donlestic and international research dynamic status of this subject. At first, I introduce the tide of information and digitalizalion in the world. Secondly I introduce the great background of this research work --what is "digital earth", 3S technology development, the evolution of digital territory project, the achievement of land detailed survey and so on. Then, I analyze the progress of land information system construction and digitalization geographical information at home and abroad. Based on them, this article elucidates the meaning and foundation of the county level land utilize database.Chapter II- the division of land use database for county establishment period. It includes three phases?system analysis, developing, maintaining, where I put a special emphasis on the system analysis. System analysis is made up of determining tajsic, feasibility study, demanding analysis, structure frame design. Feasibility study indicates that land use database system can be achieved through our technology and Yanshi city land administration bureau’s assist. The structure frame design is clarified through the following three aspects-systematic function design, data structure design, and systematic software and hardware design.Chapter III- the establishing procedure of land use database management system for county . Firstly, overall design of land use database is necessary, which is made up of map index table, date dictionary, attribute and spatial data of every year. At the same time I explicates their meaning and content as wellas the design of the coding of data-inputting classify, file name and the attribute database structure. Secondly, I introduce how to prepare datum and technology and list all prerequisite tilings - all kinds of maps, data tables, reports and material device. Afterward, introduce the work foundation, technological route and environment of software and hardware in detail, and make a brief introduction about MAPGIS and land use database system. Thirdly, I expound the course of gathering data, handling data and building database. This database establishment course is divided into the following several stages: Work preparation, data pretreatment, data collection and editing, database creation, database quality control, data of map and table export, report compiling, database confirmation, belonging the output to file, database update and application, database run and management. This chapter elaborates the specific operation and the question that should be taken notice about the former five parts. Data pretreatmeut means overall examining map and table, and solves those problems found in this course in lime. Data collection and editing work include: maptfcan, map correction, vector with different layers, error correction, map projeciion, data layers division, attribute data input, the figure connection, map splice etc. Database is built by making data dictionary and map index chart. The quality control of the database runs through the above each step.Chapter IV- comparing the area calculated by computer with recorded by original table. This chapter discusses the accuracy of data mainly through map spot area compare, map area compare, area of city and village two level jurisdiction compare, area of land use one grade ehissify compare. At last, analyzes the reason that caused the difference.Chapter V- the method of the database update. It is exp

  • 【分类号】TP311.131
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】641

