

Research on Energy and Protein Requirement for Gushi Broilers

【作者】 田亚东

【导师】 康相涛;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验选用1日龄固始鸡公母各540只,分群饲养,采用3×3因子设计,饲喂代谢能(ME)和粗蛋白质(CP)水平不同的9种玉米—鱼粉—豆粕型日粮。通过饲养试验、比较屠宰试验和代谢试验,研究固始鸡在生长前期0-4周龄、中期5-8周龄和后期9周龄以上不能 量和粗蛋白质水平对其生产性能、屠体成分的影响,然后根据三个试验的结果,得出固始鸡各阶段日粮适宜的能量和粗蛋白质营养水平。其中各阶段日粮所设的代谢能和粗蛋白质水平为:前期ME:11.97MJ/Kg、12.34MJ/Kg、12.72MJ/Kg,CP:19.12%、20.02%、21.04%;中期ME:12.38MJ/Kg、12.71MJ/Kg、13.02MJ/Kg,CP:17.12%、18.09%、19.07%;后期ME:12.40MJ/Kg、12.74MJ/Kg、13.03MJ/Kg,CP:15.04%、16.02%、17.02%。 代谢试验结果反映:以中国饲料数据库情报网中心颁布的中国饲料成分及营养价值表为依据,计算的固始鸡日粮代谢能值均低于实测值,其中低能日粮组差异较大,高能组的代谢能计算值更接近于实测值。 饲养试验结果表明:(1)采食量:生长前期,能量水平对公鸡的采食量影响显著(P<0.05),蛋白质水平的影响极显著(P<0.01),随着能量和蛋白质水平的提高,公鸡的采食量升高;中期,能量和粗蛋白质水平对公鸡的采食量均无显著影响(P>0.05),但随着能量和蛋白质水平的提高,公鸡的采食量呈下降趋势;后期,能量水平对公鸡采食量影响极显著(P<0.01),能量水平提高,采食量下降。而对母鸡来说,不论在哪个时期,能量均是主要的影响因素(P<0.05),粗蛋白质水平对采食量的影响较小(P>0.05)。能量和粗蛋白质的交互作用对公母鸡各阶段采食量的影响均不显著(P>0.05)。(2)日增重:前期,能量和蛋白质的交互作用对公母鸡日增重影响均不显著(P> 0.05人但能量和蛋白质水平对公鸡日增重均有极显著影响u.of人 公鸡平均日增重随着日粮能量和蛋白质水平提高而增加,并以高能高 蛋白质组最好,母鸡虽然平均日增重也随着日粮能量和蛋白质水平提 高有增加趋势,但影响均不显著叩>0.05人 中期:日粮代谢能和蛋 白质水平及其交互作用对公母鸡平均日增重的影响均不显著吓> 0.05人从蛋白质水平上说,公母鸡均以中蛋白质水平最好;后期:日 粮能量和蛋白质水平及其交互作用对公母鸡平均日增重的影响均不显 著0>0.05人公鸡以高能高蛋白组为最好,母鸡则与中期基本相似, 但日增重与中期相比有所下降。O)料肉比:前期,能量和蛋白质水平 对公鸡的料肉比有极显著的影响u.of人 随能量和蛋白质水平增 加,料肉比下降;母鸡则受蛋白质水平的影响较小,而受能量水平的 影响极大u<O.01人 能量提高,料肉比下降;中期,能量和蛋白质 水平对公鸡影响不显著卯>0.05人能量对母鸡的影响显著吓<0.05人 对全群来说,中蛋白质水平组的料肉比较低。后期,能量和蛋白质水 平对公母鸡影响均不显著汀>0.05人 能量和蛋白质的交互作用对公 母鸡各阶段料肉比的影响均不显著卯>0.05人 屠宰试验结果显示:固始鸡活体的能量、蛋白质、脂肪含量随鸡 龄的增大而提高,水分则随鸡龄的增大而下降。同一周龄阶段,母鸡 活体所含干物质、粗脂肪、粗蛋白质及能量较公鸡高,但日粮的能量 和蛋白质水平对公母鸡体成分影响不明显吓>0.05人 三大试验综合得出的能量和粗蛋白质需要量的计算公式如下: 各阶段的能量需要量公式: 0-4周龄 8 ME=370.34 W队兀+9.58凸W 早 ME=355.15旷·旺+11.08bw 5-8周龄SMB-452.82矿’‘+n.74凸w 早MB-410.30旷”+13.30凸w 9-12周龄8 ME=486.57旷乃+13.48bw g ME==439.71 WO拈+17.48bw 2 各阶段的粗蛋白质需要量公式: 0-4周龄 CP=0.57+8.ZI旷” 5-8周龄 仪=-2.52+13.16 Wo乃 9-12周龄 CP=-1.57+10.06 W队兀 D”“各阶段日粮的代谢能和粗蛋白质水平及蛋能比为:“0-4周龄,ME:8 12.33MJ/Kg,4 12.44MJ/Kg,平均为 12.39MJ/Kg, CP:20.13%,蛋能b 16.259/M人 5-8周龄,ME:8 12.72MJ/Kg,4 12.66MJ/Kg,平均为 12.69MJ/Kg CP:18.20%,蛋能b 14.349/MJ 9* 周龄,ME:8 12.73MJ/Kg,g 12.75MJ/Kg,平均为 12.74MJ/Kg, CP:16.03%,蛋能L 12.599/MJ。

【Abstract】 In this experiment,540 male and female chicklings of 1-day-old were selected respectively and reared separately .3X3 factorial experiment was designed. Broilers were fed with 9 diets which were corn-fish meal -soybean meal type under different matabolizable(ME) and crude protein(CP). The effects on the performances and carcass ingredients of the first growing period(0-4 week) ,the middle growing period (4-8 week)and the finish period (9-12 week) Gushi chickens under different ME and CP concentrations were studied by rearing ,comparative slaughter and metabolism experiments. According to the results of three experiments , optimal ME and CP levels in each period diets of Gushi chickens were found out. ME and CP levels of each period diets were designed as follows:the first growing period: ME: 11.97MJ/Kg, 12.34MJ/Kg, 12.72MJ/Kg,CP: 19.12%, 20.02%, 21.04%;the middle growing period: ME: 12.38MJ/Kg, 12.71MJ/Kg, 13.02MJ/Kg,CP: 17.12%, 18.09%, 19.07%;the finish period: ME: 12.40MJ/Kg, 12.74MJ/Kg, 13.03MJ/Kg,CP: 15.04%, 16.02%, 17.02%.The metabolism experiment showed that the dietary ME according to the tables of feed composition and nutritive value in China were lower than measured values. Comparing with low ME trials, high ME trials were nearer calculated values.The rearing experiments showed as follows:(1) Feed Intake. ME and CP factors had significant influence on the male during the first period (P<0.05), and no significant influence during the middle period (P>0.05), and only ME levels had significant influence during the finish period (P<0.05); As for the female, ME factor had significant effect on feed intake in each period (PO.05), and CP factor had little influence. The interaction between ME and CP had no significant effect on the male and female in each period. (2) Body Gain. During the first period ME and CP factors had significant influence on the male (P<0.01), but the interaction between ME and CP had no significant effect on the male and female. The average body gain of the male was improved with the increase of ME and CP, and the diet with high ME and high CP was the best. So were the female, but no significant influence (P>0.05); During the middle period none of ME , CP and their interaction had significant effect on male and female(P>0.05),and from CP factor, the trials with middle CP level were better for male and female; During the finish period none of ME and CP and their interaction had significant effect on male and female(P>0.05), and the diet with high ME and CP was the best for the male. As for the female, the reaction were similar with the middle period’s, but compared with the middle period the body gain declined. (3) Feed/Gain. ME and CP factors had significant influence on the male during the first period (P<0.01), Feed/Gain decreased with the increase of ME and CP levels; ME factor hadsignificant influence (P<0.01) while CP factor had little influence on the female. Feed/Gain decreased with the increase of ME levels. During the middle period ME and CP and their interaction had no significant effect on male (P>0.05) while only ME factor had significant influence on the female (P<0.05). As a whole, the trials with middle CP level had lower Feed/Gain During the finish period ME and CP factors had little effect on male and female (P>0.05). The interaction between ME and CP had no significant effect on the male and female in each period.The comparative slaughter experiment showed: energy, crude protein and fat concentrations in Gushi chickens live body improved with the week-old. But moisture was opposite. Dry material, ether extract, crude protein and energy concentrations of the female were higher that that of the male the same week-age. But ME and CP factors had no significant effect on carcass ingredients of the male and female (P>0.05).The formulas drawn from the three experiments were as follows: ME requirements formulas of each period:0-4 week ♂ ME=370.34W075+9.58AW ♀ ME=355.15W075+11.08AW 5-8 week

【关键词】 固始肉鸡能量粗蛋白质需要量
【Key words】 Gushi broilermetabolizable energycrude proteinrequirement
  • 【分类号】S831
  • 【被引频次】31
  • 【下载频次】341

