

【作者】 王风丽

【导师】 万秋华;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(长春光学精密机械与物理研究所) , 机械电子工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 科学技术的发展,尤其是空间科学、自动化和国防建设等领域的发展,对光电轴角编码器的指标提出了越来越高的要求。既要求光电轴角编码器具有高分辨率、高精度又要求其频率响应高、实时性好。因此,研制莫尔条纹信号高插补系数快速电子学细分装置成为提高光电轴角编码器分辨率及响应频率亟待解决的问题。 本文介绍了一种莫尔条纹信号高插补系数快速电子学细分方法及其在高精度高分辨率光电轴角编码器中的应用。该装置根据乘法倍频和计算法细分原理,采用MCS-96系列的16位单片机进行软件细分,并与乘法倍频硬件细分相结合,实现了莫尔条纹信号高插补系数快速电子学细分。该装置具有以下优点: 1、通过乘法倍频中的相位调整电路改善了莫尔条纹原始信号的质量,提高了莫尔条纹信号的正交性。 2、采用高速12位A/D转换器提高了模拟数字量的转换速度。该A/D转换器内含四路采样/保持电路,减少了系统元器件的的数量并提高了系统的稳定性和可靠性。 3、采用具有32位除法指令的16位单片机及直接查表法完成软件细分,数据处理时间小于50μs,仅为MCS-51系列单片机细分处理时间的六分之一。有效地缩短了数据处理时间,提高了系统的响应频率。 4、莫尔条纹信号经过乘法四倍频后再由单片机软件细分8192份,实现了莫尔条纹信号高插补系数快速电子学细分,提高了光电轴角编码器的分辨率和精度。 5、该细分装置工作温度范围较宽,为-40℃~+85℃,适用于野外恶劣环境工作。 通过硬件软件技术的结合,采用多种技术和实验方法,达到了设计目的。实验研究表明,本装置具有插补系数高、数据处理时间短、实时性好等特点,对光电轴角编码器的技术指标的提高具有较高的实用价值。

【Abstract】 With the developments of technology, especially in fields of space, automatization and national defence, the demands of the targets to the photoelectric rotary encoders are higher and higher . The targets are the high-resolution , high-accuracy, the high-frequency and good real time . So the fast interpolation set of the Moire stripe signal is the problem that is anxious to be resolved .A kind of electrical fast interpolation device, which is applied on the high-resolution, high-accuracy and photoelectric rotary encoders, is introduced in this paper. Combined software interpolation by 16 bits MCS-96 series single-chip computer 80C196KC with hardware interpolation through frequency-multiplied circuit .this device is developed on the base of frequency-multiplied theory and method of calculation interpolation. Five main advantages are described as follows : 1. Frequency-multiplied circuit improved the quality of original iMoire fringe signal , and the interpolation accuracy .2.The set adapts the high speed 12 bits A/D .It has four-channel track/hold circuits . So the parts of the apparatus are reduced and the system stability is improved .3. The single-chip computer 80C196KC has the demand of 32 bits division .At the same time , we adopt the way of straight investigation table . The data processing time is less 50Hs . It is the 1/6 of the MCS-51 series single-chip .4.Redoubled, frequency-multiplied signal is interpolated to 8192 parts by single-chip computer . This acquires high interpolation times , and the resolution and accuracy of absolute photoelectric rotary encoders are improved as well.5. The working temperature is extended industrial temperature range(-40癈~+85癈) . So it is applicable in badly outdoors condition .So this device can implement the high-accuracy test of angel position and real-time control when it is used the data processing system of absolute photoelectric rotary encoders .Then the requirements for high-accuracy , high-resolution absolute photoelectric rotary encoders of such fields as space science , automation ,and national defense construction etc. can be met.

  • 【分类号】TN762
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】391

