

Conditions and Tactics of Applying Revenue Management in Chinese Civil Aviation Passenger Transport

【作者】 彭杰

【导师】 杨江;

【作者基本信息】 四川大学 , 企业管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 中国民航客运在二十世纪八十年代末九十年代初得到了高速发展,但是,一九九八年全行业增长滞缓,经济效益滑坡,这其中固然有市场需求不振等客观因素,核心问题却是管理粗放,竞争乏力。本文提出用收益管理的理论与方法来改善中国民航企业的经济效益、增强民航企业的竞争能力。 收益管理在国外已有四十多年的历史,其产生与发展同航空运输产业、运筹学和管理科学等理论、计算机技术及市场的发展密切相关。收益管理是指通过把每一航段的每个座位以合适的价格(How)、在合适的时候(When)出售给合适的乘客(Who),实现总收入最大化。现今,收益管理已形成较完整的学科体系并成为世界各大航空公司主要的竞争和盈利手段。但在中国,收益管理仍是一个崭新学科,国内的研究还基本停留在引进收益管理思想、借鉴国外资料和研究成果、探讨其理论与方法的阶段。 本文对收益管理的基本概念、基本工具和基本方法作了详尽阐述,并着重探讨了国外应用收益管理的宏观环境和内部条件,包括:政府对民航运价放松管制是前提条件,要求具备成熟的市场环境和旅客群体,航空公司形成规模并对市场具有垄断性以及相关的企业内部条件等。 结合中国民航客运市场和客运机票现状,本文进一步分析了中国民航客运成功应用收益管理的条件及策略。应用条件包括:民航企业的体制改革,建立宏观调控和市场调控相结合的机制;对客运市场细分,把握旅客的特性和内在规律性;实施航空公司重组战略;以及企业内部建设等,从而为收益管理的应用创造良好的宏观环境和内部条件。在上述条件具备以后,中国民航客运应借鉴国外成功的运行经验来制定收益管理的应用策略,主要包括:通过对机票需 四川大学硕士学位论文求弹性分析实施差别定价,利用期望边际座位收入(EMRS)模型进行舱位控制,对超额预订进行动态管理等。 本文侧重于收益管理在中国民航客运的应用条件和应用策略的定性研究,关于如何结合航空公司的具体情况,建立收益管理的定价模型以及开发计算机模拟软件等定量分析,还是一个有待于进一步探讨的问题。

【Abstract】 Chinese Civil Aviation Passenger Transport had witnessed fast development in the end of 1980’ s and early 1990’ s, but the year 1998 saw slow growth and declining beneficial results partly due to lower market demand but mainly due to management problems. Revenue Management should be applied to improve greatly financial performance and increase competitive capabilities of civil aviation enterprises. Revenue Management is a comprehensive system to maximize revenue for capacity-constrained services using reservation systems, overbooking, and partitioning demand. With a history of more than 40 years, the evolvement of Revenue Management has close relations with the development of airliners industry, operational research and science management, computer technology and market. Nowadays, it has developed into a complete theory and becomes a useful tool for airliners to gain profitability and competitiveness. However, Revenue Management is a new course of study in China and researchers just use foreign experiences and outcome for reference.This paper gives introduction of concept, basic tools and methods of Revenue Management and focuses on the analysis of related conditions under which Revenue Management can be successfully applied in foreign countries. The related conditions include deregulation of airline tickets, mature market, large-scale production and enterprise inter-environment.Based on the status of Chinese Civil Aviation Passenger Transport, this paper continues to analyze the conditions and tactics to apply Revenue Management in China. It is necessary to reform the structure, make market segment, reorganize the airliners, and establish the inter-conditions. Then, such tactics as price discrimination, seat inventory control, and overbooking should be used to apply Revenue Management. This paper emphasizes in qualitative analysis of conditions and tactics of applying Revenue Management in Chinese Civil Aviation Passenger Transport. The quantitative analysis on how to establish pricing model based on Revenue Management and how to develop computer-aidedstimulation software is the problem that will be further approached.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 四川大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】F562
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】687

