

Research on Practical Technologies of Sprinkler System

【作者】 兰为平

【导师】 李天荣;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 市政工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 由于经济状况和技术条件所限制,我国的消防给水系统一直以消火栓给水系统为主;随着经济的持续高速发展,自动喷水灭火系统以其灭火效率高、投资少、管理简单,尤其是能在火灾初期火势小、火势不稳定时就自动喷水灭火等优点,在工程建设中得到了广泛的应用。我国的综合实力不断增强,应当建立以自动喷水灭火系统为主的消防体系。本文对自动喷水灭火系统的几个主要方面进行了阐述,并提出一些见解。 1)自动喷水灭火系统历史悠久、应用效果良好,分为闭式系统和开式系统。闭式系统的各种类型中,重复启闭预作用系统集目前各种闭式系统的优点于一身,是闭式系统的发展方向。开式系统中的细水雾技术,能够代替气体灭火剂防治高技术领域和重大工业危险源的特殊火灾,不会对臭氧层造成破坏,展示了广阔的应用前景。 2)喷头是自动喷水灭火系统的核心部件,喷头技术的不断发展,为各种自动喷水灭火系统的出现奠定了基础。 3)传统的消防给水方式设备多、控制复杂、管理不便,而且无法避免超压问题,存在安全隐患。本文提出常高压系统和恒压系统两种给水方式,灭火时喷头的工作压力与消防水泵无关,只受高位水箱水面波动的轻微影响,保证了喷头工作压力和流量的恒定性、均匀性。 4)中小型娱乐场所的火灾事故不断发生,这类建筑的消防设施薄弱,加设传统的自动喷水灭火系统条件不充分,而且经济上承受不起。因此结合目前实际情况,对这类建筑提出增设简易自动喷水灭火装置的要求。 5)《自动喷水灭火系统设计规范》(GB50084-2001)相对原来的规范有了很大的变动,其中水力计算要求采用特性系数法。而工程中,设计周期越来越短,若能在初步设计中采用作用面积法就可以节省许多时间和精力。本文通过对中危险级Ⅰ级的几个典型例子进行验算,找出特性系数法和作用面积法的线性关系,对简化设计进行探讨。

【Abstract】 Confined by the economical and technical condition,fire hydrant system is the main way of water supply for fire protection in our country;with the continually fast development of the economy,sprinkler system has been used widely in engineering for its several advantages:the high rate of fire extinguishing,less investment,simple managing,especially being able to put out the fire at the early time when it is faint or unstable. We should build a fire protection system which is mainly of the sprinkler system,for the global national power has become stronger.This dissertation focuses on several main aspects of sprinkler system and delivers some opinions.1) Sprinkler system is historical and beneficial,being divided into close-type sprinkler system and open-type system.Of all the types of close-type sprinkler system,recycling preaction system has gained all the advantages and is the direction of development of close-type system.Of the open-type system,water mist can be partly substitute of gas fire extinguishant to put out especial fire in high technical and important industrial zone,it also does no harm to the Ozone Layer,having widely-used prospect.2) Sprinkler is the core component of sprinkler system,the development of sprinkler is the base of the development of sprinkler system.3) The traditional ways of water supply for fire protection has several disadvantages such as more equipments,complex controlling, disadvantageous management,and it can not avoid extra pressure which causes dangers.This dissertation brings forward constant high-pressure and constant-pressure systems,of which sprinkler’s working pressure has nothing to do with the pumps and only lightly affected by the level of the water in the cistern,thus ensuring the Constance and equalty of the flow and the sprinkler’s working pressure.4) There are fire accidents in middling and small entertainment buildings from time to time in which fire protection establishments are not enough. And it is hard to add traditional sprinkler system to such buildings for economical reasons. According to the current situation,a simplified sprinkler system should be added to such buildings.5) 《Code of design for sprinkler systems》 (GB50084-2001) has changedmuch comparative to the former code,it supposes to calculate by the method of characteristic-coefficient.But nowadays the engineering period has become shorter and shorter.Had done hydraulic calculation by the method of working-area in the preliminary stage ,there would be much time and energy to save.This dissertation has concluded linear relationship between the method of characteristic-coefficient and working-area by calculating for some typical samples of the mid-dangerous rank I .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU892
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】765

