

Research on the Guiding Place of the Sprinkler System in Fire Protection for Building and the System’s Function

【作者】 罗成

【导师】 张勤;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 市政工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 自动喷水灭火系统作为一种建筑消防设施,已经得到广泛应用,大量的工程实践也已经证明了其灭火、控火的高效性,但由于一些历史原因及人们长期以来对建筑消防的固有观念,使得它在建筑消防减灾中的主导地位尚未确立。并且,各种相关规范虽给设计施工提供了可执行的依据,但规范本身还存在着一定的缺陷,削弱了自动喷水灭火系统的灭火性能。本文在分析研究国内外大量的相关数据及文献的基础上,结合工程实践经验,从安全性、经济性、合理性的原则出发,强调了自动喷水灭火系统在建筑消防中不可替代的地位。同时,对规范中的相关条文以及工程实践中难以解决的问题,提出了自己的观点,使之不断完善。其主要工作和结论如下:(1)通过确凿有力的证据和数据,运用消防经济学的观点说明了:a)在功能复杂的多层建筑和高层建筑中,传统的以消火栓灭火系统、建筑防火分区、火灾自动报警灭火系统联合灭火为主的灭火方式不高效,更不经济,应被取消。b)在建筑消防中应以自动喷水灭火系统为主,它具有很高的安全性、合理性,更具经济性,应被普及推广。(2)总结了各种典型的自动喷水灭火系统的灭火机理及其优越性和局限性。强调了喷头选型及布置、报警阀的布置、水泵的自动巡检功能等几个关键点特别是喷头的选型与布置对自动喷水灭火系统发挥性能的重要性。展望了水喷雾技术特别是细水雾技术进行以水代气灭火的可行性。(3)针对工程设计中最复杂,工作量最大的部分-系统水力计算部分,在规范的基础上,基于EXCEL电子表格,提出了经济流速的范围,提供了一套行之有效的设计计算方法,同时,对屋顶水箱和增压泵的设置这一难以解决的问题发表了见解,既确保了自动喷水灭火系统初期快速灭火、控火的性能,又节省了大量的设计工作时间。

【Abstract】 As fire protection services for building, the sprinkler systems have been extensively used, lots of engineering practices have also proved that these systems have high efficiency on fire-extinguishing and fire-controlling. But some historical reasons and some original concepts about the fire protection for building caused the guiding place of the systems in fire protection for building not to be established. Moreover, although all relevant codes of design or installation provided a feasible according for design and installation, but these codes have some flaws which decreased the function of fire protection of the sprinkler systems. On the basis of investigation on the related datum and literature at home and abroad, combining engineering practices, according to the principal of safety, economy and reason, this paper put emphasis on the dominant place of sprinkler system in fire protection for building. furthermore, in the light of the related terms of design cords and the doubtful points in practice, the author put forward personal proposals. the main works and conclusions in this paper are as follows:(1)By the irrefutable datum and evidences and with the viewpoint of fire- protection economic, the author illustrated that:a)As a traditional main fire-protection means that combine the systems conclude hydrant system, automatic fire alarm system and building separating system for fire protection, it is not efficient, let alone economic, so it should be abolished in complicated multi-layer building and high building.b)The sprinkler systems should be the main fire-protection means for building, they are more safe , more economic and more reason than the other systems, so it should generalized. (2)In this paper, the author summarized the working principle ,the superiority and the limitations of a few main kinds of classical sprinkler systems; put emphasis on the importance of a few key points which is relevant to the function of the system, such as the choosing of sprinkler and it’s fixing, the automatic checking function of water pump, the layout of alarm valve, especially the choosing of sprinkler and it’s fixing; looked through the feasibility of which we used water instead of gas by water mist especially finely divided water mist fire-extinguishing technique.(3)According to the hydraulic calculation which is the most complex and may<WP=6>spend considerable working in the course of design, the author put forward a workable method on the basis of the code of design and a soft named "EXCEL" . Moreover, the author put forward a proposal to the doubtful problems which are the setting of the tank above building and the pressure pump, and that not only could assure the sprinkler systems’ function of fire extinguishing and fire controlling, but also could save a lot of working time.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU892
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】693

