

Cultural Mediating in Interpreting: An Observation from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication

【作者】 俞莲年

【导师】 庄鸿山;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 英语语言文学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文共有六个部分组成,前言部分对全文作了总体介绍,结论部分综述全文。 第一章简要介绍了口译、口译的类型, 重点说明了口译的重要组成部分:即准确的理解与译出、话语和文化层次上对原文和译文的分析、口译技巧的运用以及职业水准与素养。但是,文化层次上的分析往往为口译员忽视。 第二章首先说明了口译是一种跨文化交际活动,接着指出跨文化交际所存在的困难:即交际双方缺乏共同的语言和文化背景。这要求口译员不仅要发挥语言桥梁,而且应当发挥文化桥梁的作用。 第三章主要阐述口译员如何进行文化差异的协调,口译员首先应培养跨文化意识,提高跨文化交际能力。在接受口译任务后,口译员应当为文化差异的协调做准备。口译过程中,口译员不仅要传达信息,而且应帮助交际双方创造良好的交际氛围,并对在言语交际和非言语交际方面所表现的文化差异进行协调。 第四章主要对口译员如何成为成功的跨文化交际者提出了一些建议和看法,这包括口译员应掌握工作语言,培养跨文化意识,提高跨文化交际能力,习得文化知识,树立正确的态度,掌握口译技巧和加强职业素养等。 总之,全文在肯定口译员语言知识,非语言知识,技巧及职业水准重要性的前提下,着重阐述文化因素在口译中的重要性,口译员应当同时发挥文化桥梁的作用,在口译过程中对交际双方的文化差异进行必要的协调,使口译质量更有保障。

【Abstract】 Our world features increasingly extensive intercultural interaction. However, the absence of a shared language and common cultural assumptions has made intercultural communication difficult or even impossible. Interpreting is then necessitated. It is not only an interlingual but also an intercultural activity. Thus the interpreter should act as a bridge between two cultures as well as two languages. Nevertheless, the cultural aspect of interpreting has been neglected by a significant number of practitioners. This thesis is to discuss the interpreter’s role as a cultural mediator and the interpreter’s cultural mediating effort in interpreting. It consists of four chapters in addition to introduction and conclusion.Chapter One first briefly introduces interpreting scenario and the types of interpreting and then it focuses on the basic components of successful interpreting. Successful interpreting is the result of accurate comprehension and reconstruction and the application of various skills and techniques in a professional manner and to a professional standard. It has been established that analysis at both discourse and cultural level is necessary to achieve accurate comprehension and reconstruction. However, the cultural aspect is often neglected.Chapter Two first points out that interpreting is an act of intercultural communication. To fully understand the work setting of the interpreter, a further examination is given to commutation, culture and the relation between the two. Culture influences both verbal and nonverbal communication. Thus interpreting is culture-conditioned. The absence of a shared code system and common cultural assumptions and the ethnocentric thinking often stymie successful intercultural communication. To usher in the effective communication interpreters should serve as a bridge between two cultures as well as two languages, i.e.. interpreters should shoulder the responsibility of cultural mediators and conduct cultural mediating in interpreting.Chapter Three centers on cultural mediating in interpreting. To effectively conduct cultural mediating, interpreters should in the first place cultivate cross-cultural awareness. They should be able to recognize the culture-universal and the culture-specific in the two or even more cultures concerned. Meanwhile it will greatly facilitate their work if interpreters can understand the underlying cultural dimensions influencing cultures they are engaged in. Interpreting at merely linguistic level is inadequate, so interpreters should handle both source texts and target texts at cultural level. Upon accepting the interpreting task, interpreters should make preparation for cultural mediating, that is, they should take cultural differences into consideration, try to identify them and even remind the communicators of their existence in advance. During interpreting, interpreters’ cultural mediating effort is mainly demonstrated in three aspects: helping to establish a favorable cultural atmosphere for both parties, cultural mediating in linguistic aspect and cultural mediating in nonverbalcommunicative aspect. Finally, it is indicated that interpreters should pay attention to the degree to which they are to mediate.Chapter Four makes some tentative suggestions as to how an interpreter can be a successful intercultural communicator. Interpreters should first of all enhance their competence in both verbal and nonverbal communicative aspects, cultivate cross-cultural awareness and hold the right attitude. At the same time, interpreters should pay attention to the individuality of communicators and realize the impact of English used as an international language. Last but not the least, interpreters should practice various skills and techniques and act in a professional manner.In conclusion, this thesis is written under the assumption that language competence, extra-linguistic knowledge, and skills and techniques practiced in a professional manner and to professional standards are of paramount importance in interpreting, but to usher in the mo

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1635

