

【作者】 陈冀峻

【导师】 王竹;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国沿海发达地区城市化进程的加快,城市规模不断膨胀,城市的土地资源日趋紧张,住宅小区的开发建设也不断向郊区扩展,城乡界限逐渐模糊。同时,随着可持续发展成为当今人类社会的发展目标,使得住居生态化、环境景观化成为发展趋势,对人居环境的建设模式也就提出了更高的要求。 本论文以浙北低山丘陵地区基本住居单位为对象,针对该地区特定的自然条件和发展现状,以该地区绿色住居研究为突破口,在发掘住居传统文脉中的朴素生态意识基础上,从丘陵地域人居环境着眼,确立可持续发展的目标与评价体系。在对可持续发展的基本概念和理论,以及区域住居的可持续发展原则进行把握的基础上,根据区域特征,比较各种方式与技术的优劣,努力构筑理想的空间形态模型,探索适宜性发展途径,并对部分构想进行了初步的尝试。以此推动该地区人居环境的可持续发展战略。

【Abstract】 Land resource is getting more limited under the accelerated urbanization in the state coastal areas,and the suburb boundaries have been blurred in the expansion of living quarters development. Being oriented to the sustainable development of contemporary society,the construction modes of living environment are facing much higher standards in line with the trend of ecological and landscaping requirements.Based on the natural conditions and economic status of the hilly area in Northern Zhejiang,and on the plain ecological concept of traditional housing culture,this paper has studied urban and suburban green settlement of the area,set up an evaluation system for sustainable hilly inhabitancy development objects. Furthermore,the paper has,with basic theories and principles,emphasized forming ideal spatial models and exploring their feasibility after comparing various concepts,forms and technical know-how to match the local characteristics.Hopefully,with some primary design trials,the paper will be of some help in making sustainable development strategy for the inhabitancy environment of

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 01期
  • 【分类号】TU984.12
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】115

