

Research to the City Range of Hangzhou in History

【作者】 任牮时

【导师】 宣建华;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 建筑历史及与理论, 2002, 硕士

【副题名】From Qin Dynasty to Southern Song Dynasty

【摘要】 无论是站在保护历史名城的立场,还是站在城市更新、城市发展的立场,都要求建筑历史的研究者能够对城市有整体和具体的把握。这种“把握”是以对“家底”的了如指掌为基础的。本文以杭州作为研究对象,通过对杭州历史史料、文献及各个时期历史地图的研究,对秦汉至南宋时期杭州的城郭形态作了初步的考证,对于以往有较多争论的问题提出了新的思路和新的假说,试图从中把握杭州城市历史发展的脉络,并将研究成果绘制成示意图。 文章核心内容三个部分: 第二章:城域尚未稳定的杭州地域。提出了水陆交通的吸引及汉代海塘建设带来的一系列后果是促使杭州早期城市选址的重要因素,并通过对前人研究的批判,对秦、汉、南北朝时期杭州早期城市位置做出假说;就历史文献中存在的疑问,提出隋、初唐杭州城域内筑有多个城池的观点,并对当时杭州城郭的形势做出自己的判断。 第三章:稳定发展时期的杭州城域。提出吴越以降,杭州地域形成完整的一城;通过对前人研究的批判,对吴越、南宋时期的杭州城郭界址进行文献和地图的考证,提出关于城郭形势的新的观点。 第四章:杭州城域水系考。对杭州城域内的人工水系的变迁过程进行了梳理,结合前两章的研究成果,绘制成图;并将史料、文献中的河道、桥梁名称沿革整理成表格。

【Abstract】 It requires a researcher of the architeCfore history to have a comprehensive anddefinite understriding of the city Whether from the standpoint of the protCction of afamous historical city or from the view of the renewal and development of the citySuch understanding is based uPon the fami1iarty of the history By investigating thehistorical materials, literthee, and maPs of differnt periods in the history of the cityHangallou, the evolution of its form frOxn the Qin dynasty to the Southern Songdynasty is preliminarily stUdied and several new thinkng and new hypotheses aregiven to some controversial issues before. And then, the thread of the evoluton ofthe city Hangchou is tried to understand with some results sketched.The core of the thesis is of three parts (chaPter 2,3,and 4):ChaPter 2: The Hangallou district before the city domain becaxne stable. In thischaPter, the whter takes the consequences of the thetion of the land and Waertraffic, and of the conStruCtion of the seawall in the Han dynasty as boortan fedorsin locating the early city of Hangtheu area. By commenting on some formerresearches, hyPothesis is made about the location of the early Hangzhou city in theQin, Hang, and the Northem and Southm dynasties. To queries some historyliteratUres, the whter’s opinion is tha there existed several cities in the domain of thecity "Hangtheu" in the Sui and early Tang dposties. The writer also gives his ownjudgment about the condihon of the city dUring those periods.ChaPter 3: the city domain of HangZhu in the period of stable developmen.After the period of Wu Yue, Hangallou became a Who1e city. By conunentng on someformer researches and studying the literatUre and maPs aboat the boundny of the cityHangallou in the period of Wu Yue and Southem Song droasties, the writer gives anew opiulon about the boundary the city.ChaPter 4t the research of the Waer system of Hangtheu in history. Theevoluton of the man-made water system is cleared uP, and the results maPped,incorporating some conclusions made in Preceding two chaPters. The names and theirchanges of the rivers and bridges in the historical literatUres are tabled.

【关键词】 杭州城市历史城郭考证水系桥梁
【Key words】 The city HangzhouHistoryResearchWaer systemBridge
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】K878
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】732

