

【作者】 金洁

【导师】 王谊;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会生产力的发展,市场营销的观念已从生产观念,产品观念,推销观念,发展到今天的市场营销观念和社会营销观念。今天的营销观念是以顾客需要为出发点的新的营销观念,如何有效满足顾客需求、提升顾客满意度(CSM)以保持长期竞争优势,已成为企业发展的核心问题。构建呼叫中心(Call Center)就是利用先进的科技手段和管理方法,满足顾客需求,提高顾客满意度和忠诚度,最终提高销售成功率,实现客户价值最大化。呼叫中心(Call Center)又称为客户服务中心,是为了客户服务、市场营销、技术支持和其他的特定商业活动而接收和发出呼叫的一个实体。呼叫中心倡导客户关系管理(CRM),以“客户”为中心,将市场、销售和客户服务有机地整合起来,形成高效的客户服务,使企业在竞争中占据优势。到目前为止,全球几十万座呼叫中心在各行各业广泛应用。国内呼叫中心始于九十年代中后期,在进入中国短短几年就广为人知。本文论述了呼叫中心在我国的现代商业应用现状与无限发展空间和呼叫中心相对于传统商业营销手段诸多更为强劲、独特的竞争优势。分析了国内呼叫中心同欧美发达国家呼叫中心在技术方面和运营管理方面的差距,从中找出我国呼叫中心存在的问题,并对中国呼叫中心如何走出面临的困境提出建设性意见。本文最后以呼叫中心在邮政行业、金融行业、家电行业等方面的实际应用为例,阐述了呼叫中心在我国的成功应用以及出现的一些问题。本文结构上分为四部分,第一部分概述呼叫中心在我国应用的现状;第二部分研究呼叫中心对我国经济产生的影响以及面临的问题;第三部分针对我国呼叫中心存在的问题提出一系列建设性意见;第四部分对呼叫中心在邮政、金融、家电行业的具体应用作分析研究。<WP=3>本文从市场营销中“顾客满意”理论的角度对呼叫中心在我国的应用作研究,分析我国呼叫中心存在的问题并提出有效的解决方案,最终实现呼叫中心以客户为中心,提高顾客满意度并提高企业资源利用率,增强企业的竞争优势的经营理念。

【Abstract】 With the development of social productivity, the idea of marketing has evolved from the idea of manufacturing, production and sales promotion to today’s idea of sales marketing and social marketing. The construction of Call Center aims to advocate customer relationship management (CRM). Using technology and management method of science, Call center raise customer satisfactory and loyal,raise sales successfully , actualize customer value. , Call Center, also called Customer Service Center, is an entity which receives and sends calls on behalf of customer service. It builds an all-out way of communication and to regard customers as the most important resources. It can promote customers’ satisfaction and loyalty to them, which helps to promote sales; meanwhile it combines market, sales, and customer service together organically in a customer-centered way in search of existence and development in fierce competition.Now, there have already been several hundred and thousand Call Center and they have been effective in all kinds of industries. The conception of Call Center initiated in mid and late 90’s. The Call Center was introduced into China just several years ago. In this article, the author does research for its development space discusses its powerful and distinction competition advantages; and analyzes the spatial distance between different centers in the light of the European developed countries. This article also dissects its effects on our national economy. We suggest how China Call Central industrial tendency and how to come out of the difficult condition faced. Call Center is used in post, finance and electrical appliances .It helps a lot to promote customers’ satisfaction while keeping the number of customer thus to make profit for business. This article is divided into four chapters. Chapter one introduces the<WP=5>status of Call Center in our country; Chapter two research the effects on our national economy and the problem it faces up. Chapter three is how to come out of the difficult condition faced. Chapter four research on that Call Center is used in post, finance and electrical appliances.This article focuses on the application of Call Center in china and the problems it faces up to. It suggests enhancing the digital management and personal management in Call Center, making full use of the data resources, developing new markets and promoting the utilization ratio in order to make customer satisfying and promote the enterprise succeed in intense competition.

  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】723

