

【作者】 杨圣

【导师】 吴潮;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 中国于2001年加入世界贸易组织(WTO),我国的电站建设承包商在面临国外同行严峻挑战的同时,也为有实力的承包商走向国际市场带来了机遇。电力工业是国民经济的支柱产业之一,所有国家都需要不断地新建电厂或更新原有电厂,每年在世界范围内电站建设的规模是很大的,而且呈不断上升的趋势。虽然我国的发电设备制造能力和电力建设水平同发达国家相比还有一定的差距,但有差距并不意味着我们不能在市场竞争中同他们一较高下并最终获得胜利。工程总承包方式在国际上被越来越多的业主用于电站工程建设项目,我们有必要对工程建设总承包方式进行研究,熟悉其基本的操作程序,找出其中的关键环节和难于决策的问题,进行重点分析研究,提出可行的解决方案,希望能对我国电站工程建设的承包商提高市场竞争力有所帮助。本文首先介绍电站工程总承包项目的范围、特点,以及一般的招投标程序,然后对总承包项目投标工作中的重点:投标报价的确定及风险管理进行分析研究。电站工程项目总承包是建设工程项目总承包的一个分支,是电站工程项目管理的一种方式,亦称电站工程项目全过程承包。项目总承包单位通过投标竞争与业主签订总承包合同,对一个电站工程项目从开始筹备到项目完成,进行全过程的组织与管理。电站工程项目总承包是电站建设工程项目管理向社会化、专业化方向发展的一种较好的形式,也是当前在国际上广泛采用的一种方式。电站工程项目总承包的范围,应是电站工程建设项目的全过程,即承包商负责方案设计、初步设计、技术设计、施工图设计、施工及保修,但在实际承包中,总承包范围有许多不同的情况。业主一般把承包商的投标报价作为主要标准来选择中标者,同时也是业主和承包商就工程标价进行谈判的基础,直接关系到承包商投<WP=3>标的成败。投标报价工作是进行工程投标的核心。投标报价的确定与承包商自身实力及发展战略、市场环境、现场条件等密切相关,承包商只有建立一个内行的投标班子,制定相应的投标策略,弄清楚现场情况,充分分析消化招标文件,制定出科学完善的项目实施总体组织设计,才可能科学合理地确定出投标报价。电站工程总承包是一项充满风险的事业,各种风险贯穿于电站建设项目的全过程,总承包商如果没有很强的风险意识和识别防范风险的手段和措施,一旦风险真的发生,就会手足无措,给自身带来不可估量的损失,甚至使自己遭遇面临破产的灭顶之灾。本文将讨论电站工程总承包可能遇到的主要风险因素,采用定性分析法或定量分析法估计和评价风险的后果和大小,并研究各种风险的防范措施。

【Abstract】 With China’s entry into WTO in 2001, the contractors of Power Plant building of China should be faced with challenges from their counterparts overseas, and at the same time it is an opportunity for the contractors who have capability of going to international market.Electric industry is one of chief mainstay industry of national economy. Every country needs to build new power plants or to renovate quondam power plants. The scale of power plant building is very large every year in the world, and going to up trend. Though there is some difference between developed countries and us in the ability to manufacture electric equipment and in the level of power plant building, it does not mean we can’t compete with the developed countries in the market and achieve success finally.The owners have adopted the mode of general contracting of a project more and more in the power plant building. It is necessary for us to research this mode, to be familiar with its process, to find out the key point and the problem that it is difficult to decision-making, and then to make a feasible plan by researching these problems, perhaps it can help the contractors to improve its competitive ability in the market.In this article, the author first introduces the scope and specialty of power plant engineering general contract, and then researches the important parts in bidding for this project, such as the research of bid preparation, making decision and venture supervision.General contracting of power plant project is a part of the general contracting of construction project. It is a mode of power plant construction supervision, and it is also called all process contracting of power plant project. The general project contractor signs the contract with the owner after the successful bid, and then to complete the whole process of organizing and supervision from the beginning to the end. Power plant project general contracting is a better mode for power plant building to<WP=5>develop socialization and specialization, and now it is also adopted widely around the world.The scope of general contracting of power plant project should be the whole process of power plant building, namely, the contractor shall be responsible for plan design, preliminary design, technology design, construction design, construction and maintenance. But in fact, the scope of general contracting has many different statuses.The owner usually thinks that the bid preparation is the main factor in selecting bidder. And also it is the base for project price negotiation between the owner and the contractor. It will influence the contractor’s biddings directly. The bid preparation is the core of project bid. The decision of bid preparation should be related with the contractor’s ability, development strategy, market conditions, and site conditions. The contractor needs to establish a professional bid department and bid strategy, to know well site condition, to analyze bid documents, to make a scientific and general plan, and then a scientific and reasonable bidding preparation can be completed.General contracting of Power plant project involves many ventures. Various ventures accompany the whole process of power plant construction. If the general contractors don’t have enough venture sense and the methods of keeping away venture, when the venture arises, they don’t know what to do next. This will bring about loss, and arise cause bankruptcy. This article discusses the main venture factor that will arise in project general contracting. Using the qualitative analysis and the quantitative analysis to evaluate the result and scale of venture, and to research the measure of ventures evaluating.

  • 【分类号】F426.6
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】419

