

【作者】 廖洋

【导师】 黄雅虹;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国民经济的发展和世界经济一体化进程的加快,特别是中国加入WTO,我国保险市场正发生着深刻的巨变。在激烈的市场竞争中,国内保险公司如何应对竞争、谋求发展,已成为保险业界、学术界关心的一个问题。 目前,国内对保险营销战略的研究还不很成熟,还有很多东西需要探索。本文试图运用市场营销管理的一些基本理论和方法,对国内保险市场进行分析,对国内企业的市场营销部份要素(如险种、营销渠道、服务)进行探讨,找出差距,借鉴国外先进经验,提出创新思路,寻找解决办法,希望籍此提高中国保险企业的营销水平,促进保险市场的健康发展。 全文共分四个部分:一、中国保险市场分析 从1979年我国恢复国内保险业务,保险市场得到极大的繁荣和发展,目前已形成了以国有商业保险公司为主体、中外保险公司并存、多家保险公司竞争的市场格局。 但现阶段我国大多数保险企业的营销观念还处于萌芽状态,整个行业的营销状况不容乐观,存在着各公司市场经营特色不明、市场定位不准、险种开发不适应市场需求、保险中介缺位、竞争手段和方式落后、行业服务水平低下等问题,严重制约了保险业的发展,使市场巨大的“潜在需求”在短期内难以转变为“有效需求”。二、险种创新 虽然我国保险产品已空前繁荣、新险种层出不穷,但在险种这一要素方面仍存在诸多问题,险种创新刻不容缓。险种创新要与客观环境相适应,要贴近市场需求,要根据其发展趋势,坚持多层次、系列化原则,要有利于形成自己的核心竞争力。<WP=3>三、合理利用、选择和创建保险营销渠道保险营销渠道是否适应市场和发展的要求,对保险公司关系重大。而我国保险企业的营销渠道单一、落后,已不适应激烈的市场竞争,必须结合宏观环境(包括政治法律因素、经济因素、社会文化因素、科技因素等)、产业环境(包括产业状况、市场状况、竞争状况等)和自己的资源、能力方面的因素,根据营销渠道的发展趋势,完善中介人体系,将传统营销渠道向现代新型营销渠道转化,保持渠道的多样性,构建、选择合理有效的营销渠道。四、 重视和提高保险市场营销的服务水平服务是保险营销的本质和生命,但目前我国保险服务意识、服务手段、服务水平不容乐观。因此,各保险企业必须树立正确的经营哲学和服务观念,认真研究服务对象,重视客户管理,不断完善服务内容,积极拓展延伸服务,真正做到“令顾客满意”。总之,保险公司必须实现全方位的创新,更新经营理念,形成特色经营方式,培育核心竞争力。只有这样,才能应对竞争、求得发展。

【Abstract】 This thesis deals with some new thoughts about insurance marketing in China by analyzing the insurance market of China and by discussing the important aspects of the marketing system such as insurance types, marketing channel, promotions and services to improve insurance marketing.This thesis consists of four chapters: Chapter 1 presents a discussion of the demands and insurance behaviors based on the analysis of the developing process and present situation of the insurance market of China. Chapter 2, Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 then describe some of the important aspects of the marketing system --- insurance types, marketing channels, services, etc. and therefore some advice is given to some of the related problems. In the end, great importance is attached to the innovation of marketing philosophy. Drastic changes are under way in the insurance industry of China, but the marketing promotions of those insurance companies in China are not very successful , which is due to a variety of problems regarding insurance types, marketing channels, services, etc. All these have severely prevented the insurance industry from developing.While developing new insurance types, the insurance company should consider the needs of the market, adhere to the rules of gradation and serialization and make them favorable in order to form its own core competitiveness; Whether the marketing channels fit in with the needs of the market and its development or not plays a very important role in the development of the insurance company. Therefore, the monotonous and underdeveloped marketing channels of the insurance industry of China now are no longer appropriate for severe competition in the market. And new, reasonable and effective marketing channels must be developed,<WP=5>which should be the result of taking into account the macrocosm, the insurance industry conditions, resources and so on; Services are the essence of insurance marketing, and every insurance company must adopt appropriate marketing philosophy and concept of services, carefully study the needs of its consumers, better its services further and extend its field of service to satisfy its consumers.To conclude, an insurance company must innovate its marketing ideas, develop the potential markets and put emphasis on marketing services to form its own marketing specialty to cope with competition for development.

【关键词】 保险市场营销探讨
【Key words】 insurancemarketingdiscussion
  • 【分类号】F842
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】595

