

【作者】 骆红艳

【导师】 王治安;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 会计学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着专业分工的日益细化,世界经济一体化已是不可逆转的潮流,企业的经营已突破空间上的限制,跨国公司成了经济发展的引擎。优化资源配置是跨国公司发展的基本动因,近年来,经济的迅速发展还引发了许多其他促进跨国公司发展的因素,如缓解生产压力、分摊研发成本等。无论是从顺应经济发展的趋势方面讲,还是从把握跨国公司发展动因的角度说,中国经济的发展都需要跨国公司的支持。现在,我国已加入世界贸易组织,这更为我国企业融入世界经济降低了成本,跨国公司是中国企业的下一个发展目标。与一般企业相比,跨国公司的经营环境更为复杂,将跨国公司庞杂的信息汇总在一起是企业内外部管理的需要,跨国公司合并报表就是提供综合信息的一个有力的工具。对跨国公司合并报表的研究不仅有利于我国跨国公司的发展和管理,而且有利于减少我国跨国公司与外界的信息摩擦,便于国际交流。跨国公司合并报表的编制涉及到两大问题:外币折算和报表合并,本文就是围绕这两个问题展开的。文章对外币折算方法的争论焦点——时态法与现行汇率法进行了系统的研究;探讨了报表合并中合并理论的选择以及合并理论与外币折算方法的融合问题;最后,笔者针对现有合并报表规范的不足重构了合并报表准则框架,重构后的准则框架既有改进又有扩充,笔者结合我国实际情况对其进行了论述并提出了自己的见解。归纳法是本文采用的主要研究方法。全文共四章。第一章 导言是全文的基础,它介绍了文章选题的原因,并对研究对象进行了界定。作为铺垫,在该部分,文章介绍了跨国公司的发展历程:国际公司、多国公司、全球公司、跨国公司(Ⅰ)和我国跨国公司发展的现状。<WP=3>第二章 跨国公司合并报表需要解决的问题之一:外币折算。外币折算是跨国公司合并报表与一般合并报表的主要区别。在该部分,文章介绍了四种主要的外币折算方法:区分流动与非流动项目法、区分货币性与非货币性项目法、时态法和现行汇率法(或期末汇率法)。目前,区分流动与非流动项目法的应用已较少。按照笔者的理解,区分货币性与非货币性项目法与时态法同属一脉,后者是对前者的完善,因此,对外币折算方法的选择就集中在时态法与现行汇率法之间。笔者从经济学、会计和实务三个方面对时态法和现行汇率法进行了分析。从经济学的角度讲,我们可以从购买力平价理论推导出时态法,Beaver和Wolfson的研究也为时态法将折算差异计入当期损益提供了理论依据。遗憾的是,时态法的根基并没有人们期望的那么牢固,假设世界是无摩擦的是购买力平价理论的致命缺陷,许多研究都没能证实该理论。时态法最大的优势在于它完美地保持了原有报表项目的计量属性,而现行汇率法却导致了“历史成本×现行汇率”的尴尬,如此,从会计的角度讲,时态法显然是优于现行汇率法的。然而,笔者从资本保全的角度进行思考,发现时态法实际上采用的是财务资本保持观念,现行汇率法采用的是实物资本保持观念。以会计目的来考察,则现行汇率法是优于时态法的。实务中,人们对时态法的指责颇多,最大的原因就是它将折算差异计入当期损益,扭曲了国外子公司对跨国公司的贡献,误导信息使用者,而且也令经营者不适当地卷入了对汇率风险的管理中。经营者以实际现金流出换取账面收益的做法是与企业的经营目标相悖的。已有研究表明,采用现行汇率法后,企业报表的质量得到了提高。实践调查也发现,虽然在应用国家数量方面,时态法与现行汇率法旗鼓相当,但从应用广度上讲,现行汇率法却已取得了实质性的胜利。时态法理论上的“严密”与现行汇率法实践中的“盛行”形成了鲜明的对比。二者的争论将如何解决呢?<WP=4>会计的目的是向信息使用者提供有用的会计信息,因此所提供的信息应该反映被反映对象的特点。笔者从跨国公司各发展阶段的特点切入分析,认为在不考虑其他情况时,对于与母公司有密切的业务往来,或者只是母公司业务经营上的延伸的国外子公司,以时态法进行折算,而相对独立的国外子公司采用现行汇率法进行折算,可以恰当地反映各子公司的经营特点,提供的信息也最为相关。但是,如此美妙的想法却依然受到现行汇率法与现行会计相冲突的挑战。对此,笔者从理论和实践两方面寻找突破口,指出理论上采用货币计量多元观,或者实践中采用现行成本会计或全世界统一采用一种货币都是解决问题的出路,并指出了每条出路面临的困难。对于我国跨国公司合并报表外币折算方法的选择有三种:时态法、现行汇率法或时态法和现行汇率法并行。由于目前我国的跨国公司多属于国际公司,国外子公司是母公司的延伸,所以,采用时态法较适宜;但是从制度制定者的角度讲,却倾向于采用现行汇率法。因此,笔者以为,我国跨国公司合并报表的外币折算采用第三种方法是合适的。由于在具体折算时需要进行选择,所以,为了减少机会主义行为,我们需要尽量完善选择程序和条件。第三章 跨国公司合并报表需要解决的问题之二:报表合并。目前合并理论主要有三种:所有者观、实体观和母公司观。三者的理论基础不同,会计处理也不同,集中表现在对少数股权态度上的差异。所有者观以“?

【Abstract】 Enterprise operating scope has surmounted space limitation along with the intensification of specialty division and the integration of the world economy. Transnational corporations have become the engines for economy’s development. The basic peddler for transnational corporation development is to make full use of resources, and in recent years, new reasons have emerged with the fast development of economy, for example, to reduce producing pressure, to amortize huge cost of research and development. Transnational corporations are needed in China, no matter from the point of catching up the current economy development, or considering those reasons for the development of transnational corporations. Now China has become a member of World Trade Organization, which furthermore reduces the costs of our enterprises to join the world economy. Transnational corporations are the next aim of our enterprises. Transnational corporations have to face more complicated environments than common enterprises do, therefore, it is necessary to collect that numerous and jumbled information for management. A consolidated statement is an effective tool for this task. The study of consolidated statements of transnational corporations is beneficial for the development and management of Chinese transnational corporations, and convenient for international communication for consolidated statements can help to reduce information friction with the outside world.When we compile transnational corporation consolidated statement, there are two problems of financial statements: translation and consolidation, which are the targets of this paper. In this article, the author systematically studies the debated focus of translation methods, temporal method and current rate method, discusses the choice of consolidated theories and how to solve the friction between consolidated theories and translation methods. In the end, the author tentatively constructs a framework for consolidated statement standard, in view of the defects of the current rule for consolidated<WP=9>statements, and the author’s own views are also showed. Induction is the chief study method in this paper.This paper has four chapters.Chapter One Introduction is the basis of the whole article. This part explains the reason why the author chooses this topic and makes the study object clear. The history of transnational corporation development, from international corporation to multinational corporation, global corporation and transnational corporation (I), and the current situation of Chinese transnational corporations are introduced in this part as the basis of the latter parts.Chapter Two The first problem of transnational corporation consolidated statements: translation. Translation is the major difference between transnational corporation consolidated statements and common consolidated statements. Four major translation methods are introduced in this part: current-noncurrent method, monetary-nonmonetary method, temporal method and current rate method (or closing rate method). Current-noncurrent method is seldom used now, while according to the author’s understanding, monetary-nonmonetary method and temporal method belong to the same group, and the latter is the improved result of the former. Thus, the choice of translation methods exists in temporal method and current rate method.The author analyzes temporal method and current rate method from the views of economics, accounting and practice. From economics view, we can deduce temporal method from purchasing power parity theory, and the study of Beaver and Wolfson provides theoretic evidence for exchange differences being introduced into profit. To people’s disappointment, purchasing power parity is not as secure as they expect. Pretending no friction in the world is its fatal drawback, and many studies couldn’t confirm this theory. Perfectly keeping measuring attributes is the main advantage of temporal method, but current rate method leads to embarrassed situation for "history cost×current rate". Obviously temporal m

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