

【作者】 曹志松

【导师】 金德圭; 杨红义;

【作者基本信息】 中国原子能科学研究院 , 反应堆安全, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 CEFR设备可靠性数据库(CEFR Equipment Reliability Database ERD)是CEFR的重要信息系统,是一个基于局域网的关系型数据库,所有的数据采集和传输均通过网络来完成,资料的采集完全是自动进行的。它不仅可以提供了反应堆设备的运行历史记录和原始特性参数,而且还提供设备失效趋势分析曲线和设备可靠性参数。数据库的容量和规模可随着CEFR工作的需要自由扩充和增加,以便将新的设备类和设备录入到该数据库中。开发CEFR设备可靠性数据库的主要目的是为了进一步提高反应堆的安全水平和设备管理水平,为将来反应堆的一级PRA、在线风险管理系统(On-line RiskMonitor)以及RCM(Reliability Centred Maintenance)提供基本的可靠性参数。同时,也可以为CEFR的安全评价、预防性维修、纠正性维修、事故预测、备品备件优化管理等活动提供数据,为运行、维修现场工作服务。ERD将是CEFR的重要信息系统,它不仅可以提供设备原始特性参数,而且可以提供设备失效趋势分析曲线,ERD的主要用途如下:· 通过对设备运行记录和维修记录的分析给出设备可靠性参数,用于CEFR的PRA分析及风险管理系统;· 通过对设备失效记录及原因分析给出相关设备失效的根本原因,以便从宏观上控制备品备件或采取必要的改造;· 通过对设备失效历史记录的分析给出设备失效的特性曲线,提供预防性维修所需信息;· 另外ERD在大修优化、RCM、定期试验以及维修政策方面有重要的指导意义。

【Abstract】 CEFR Equipment Reliability Database (ERD) is an important information system of the plant. It is a relational database based on the CEFR’s local network. The data collection and transmission are accomplished by network. The entire data collection is processed automatically. The database provides not only historic operation logs and original characteristic parameters of the CEFR’s equipment,but also curves of equipment fault analysis and equipment reliability parameters. Contents and scale of the database can be added and expanded respectively according to the CEFR’s demands so that new equipment classes and equipment can be classified into this database.The main development of the new pattern equipment reliability database in CEFR is to enhance CEFR’s safety level and equipment management level,and to provide essential reliability parameters for CEFR’s PRA level one,On-line Risk Monitor and RCM (Reliability Centred Maintenance). At the same time this database can provide useful information for CEFR’s safety assessment,preventive maintenance,corrective maintenance,accident prediction,spare parts supervision optimization and so on,thus serve for fieldwork of operation and maintenance.CEFR Equipment Reliability Database is used mostly in following ways:Providing equipment reliability parameters through equipment operation log and maintenance records analysis for CEFR’s PRA and On-line Risk Monitor system.Providing fault causes of related equipment through the equipment fault records and reason analysis in order to control spare parts macroscopically and adopt necessary improvement.Providing curves of equipment fault characteristic through historical records of equipment fault for preventive maintenance.Providing valuable advice for inspection optimization,RCM,regular testing andmaintenance policy.Basic principles to develop plant equipment reliability database are as following:(1). To meet the international advanced standard and the demands of each department in CEFR.(2). Combined with CEFR’s practical working process to let Equipment Reliability Database be a real-time database in deed.(3).Full use of rapidly developed network technology to make Equipment Reliability Database an important organic part of the whole information administration system in the CEFR.A self-contained industry network has been established in CEFR and it works well now.The Equipment Reliability Database is based on this network to connect with CEFR’s information management system. All of the data collection and transmission is finished by network. It can save time for file transfer and avoid errors that may occur during transmission. It makes the Nuclear Power Plant Equipment Reliability Database become an actual real-time database and provides the information base for the realization of On-line Risk Monitor.

【关键词】 中国实验快堆可靠性数据库
【Key words】 CEFRReliabilityDatabase
  • 【分类号】TP311.13
  • 【下载频次】151

