

【作者】 薛晶晶

【导师】 薄湘平;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 从70年代末期开始,经过20余年的发展,中国旅游业实现了重大飞越,成为目前中国经济生活和文化生活中的一个重要的、不可忽视的组成部分。与此同时,中国各地区政府也意识到旅游业对区域经济的重要促进作用,纷纷将其列为区域经济增长的支柱产业或新的经济增长点。各地政府对旅游业的重视直接导致区域旅游开发投资的增加,为了使投入带来最大的收益,制定科学可行的区域旅游规划势在必行。本文首先分析了旅游业的经济效应,选取了反映旅游业创汇、促进旅游目的地经济收入增加、吸纳就业、增加政府税收等四个方面的评价指标,构建了一套相对完整的区域旅游业绩效评价指标体系。在此指标体系的基础上,本文采用因子分析法,对中国2000年区域旅游业绩效进行了综合评价。然后,本文从旅游目的地的角度出发,确定影响区域旅游业绩效的旅游供给因素,并用前文所得出的2000年中国区域旅游业绩效评分作为因变量,采用多元线性回归方法,以2000年中国各地区旅游供给因素数据作为自变量,分析旅游供给因素中影响区域旅游业绩效的关键因素,并对这一实证分析结果进行了相关讨论。最后,本文根据研究结论对拟定区域旅游规划提出了几点建议。

【Abstract】 The Tourism Industry in China has made a great progress in these more than 20 years since the end of 1970’s. Nowadays it has become an important part of economy and culture life of China. At the same time, almost all the regional governments realize the key role of tourism industry’s improving regional economy, and they add tourism industry into pillar industries or new economic increase factors one after another. The governments’ attention to tourism industry directly induced the increase of tourism exploitation investment. In order to produce more output by using relatively less input, it is necessary to establish scientific and feasible regional tourism industry plan.First, this thesis analyzes the economic effects of tourism industry, and selects the indexes, which reflect the effects of tourism industry in earning foreign exchange, increasing regional revenue, providing job opportunities and improving government tax, to establish a relatively comprehensive evaluation indexes of the performance of the regional tourism industry. Under the basis of these indexes, this thesis evaluates the performance of China’s regional tourism industry in 2000 through factor analysis. Then, this thesis lists the tourism supply factors of travel destination, and adopts the performance scores of regional tourism industry obtained from above paragraphs as the dependent variable and the tourism supply factors as the independent variables to analyze the determinant factors of affecting the performance of regional tourism industry through linear regression, and discusses the result of this research. At last, this thesis brings forward several suggestions for establishing regional tourism industry plan according to the whole-length research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】F590
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】666

