

【作者】 雷新宇

【导师】 曾德明;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国加入世贸组织,中国金融业逐步开放,国内银行业将面临一场严峻的考验。农业银行作为四大国有商业银行之一,也不可避免地处于内忧外患之中。面对日益激烈的市场竞争,农行虽然已感到生存和发展的巨大压力,并认识到了市场营销的重要性,但仍然处在不知如何营销的迷惘状态,缺乏从整体上把整个银行运作纳入市场营销机制的意识和方法。这其中虽有多方面的原因,但最主要的是营销理念落后和营销体系不健全造成的。本文以湖南省农业银行为实际背景,从农业银行的商业化现状和国内商业银行市场竞争的态势出发,分析了湖南农行进行市场营销的必要性;通过对国外商业银行营销发展阶段和经验的介绍及国内外商业银行营销管理的比较,揭示了国内商业银行在营销中存在的误区。在此基础上,对湖南农行的总体营销战略和具体营销策略进行了探讨,并围绕营销战略和市场定位,对湖南农行的营销制度体系、组织机构体系和营销人员体系进行了重新设计;通过对农行产品、定价、渠道、促销和公共关系等营销组合策略的研究,以期将营销管理理论中具有普遍性的原理与银行商品的特殊属性及湖南农行的现实状况结合起来,从整体上对湖南农行的市场营销进行规划。为湖南农行建立起完整的市场营销体系搭建了框架,提出了设想和建议。

【Abstract】 With China’s entry into the WTO, China’s financial industry is confronted with great challenges. As one of the four state owned commercial banks of China, The Agricultural Bank of China ( ABOC ) has also inevitably be placed into the internal revolt and foreign invasion .In face of rigorous competitions both from home and abroad, ABOC has recognized the great importance of bank marketing and begun to pay attention to it, but it is still short of positive consciousness and effective methods to put the whole bank operations into the marketing mechanism. The most important reason is lack of full understanding of marketing and lack of rational system of marketing.In view of the present situation of ABOC and home financial market, this paper did some research on the necessity of proceeding bank marketing. Moreover, it introduced some experience in service marketing of foreign commercial banks, compared the differences between the international and domestic banks in the field of marketing, and found out the shortage and mistakes that exists in the marketing area of local commercial banks. Furthermore, this article is seeking to bring forth the marketing strategies and policies for the ABOC Hunan Branch by means of theory and practice way, and provided a framework of marketing system for it. Form the author’s view, all aspects of marketing need to work together to make sense, such as products, price, promotion and place. It is easy to get one part right, but an internally consistent and mutually supportive marketing plan is great accomplishment.

【关键词】 商业银行市场营销战略策略
【Key words】 CommercialBankMarketingStrategy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】F832.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】393

