

【作者】 胡秀娟

【导师】 徐伟军;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 民族传统体育学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 武术是中国传统的体育项目,在其长期发展过程中,刀、棍、剑、枪已成为武术运动中主要的器械之术。从整体来看,这些器械是以长拳的技术为基础在器械方法规范、准确的条件下,做到势法相通、身械协调。但各种器械又有各自的运动风格和技术要求,因此对运动员身体形态、身体机能、身体素质的要求也必定不同。武术是一项传统的体育项目,一直以来基础理论薄弱,从选材到训练没有一个很客观的评价标准,本论文通过测试和分析以定量的、科学的方法探讨刀棍和剑枪运动员体能特征,并获得了我国刀棍剑枪运动员的基本体能特征及项目之间的差异,并找出与运动成绩密切相关的指标,以此作为武术运动员选材、选项的科学理论依据。结论:1. 我国刀棍、剑枪高水平运动员的身体形态的基本特征:运动员的身材偏矮,围度指标大,肩宽而骨盆窄,成倒三角形,身体充实度高。刀棍运动员的身材比例躯干长而四肢短小;剑枪运动员的躯干短而四肢长,这些形态特征与武术项目相适应,这一结果为武术运动员身体形态的选材提供了理论基础。2我国刀棍、剑枪高水平运动员的机能水平特征表现为刀棍运动员心功能较强,剑枪运动员单位体重的呼吸功能更强。这一结果为评价不同项目运动员机能水平提供了理论基础。3 我国武术高水平运动员的身体素质特征表现为刀棍项目表现力量、速度的素质更强,体现柔韧、灵敏的素质剑枪项目表现的更强,这一结果为武术运动员身体素质的选材提供了理论基础。4刀棍、剑枪运动员体能特征存在着项目差异,这一结果为运动员的选项和训练提供了理论依据。5影响运动成绩的运动员的体能特征存在着差异,这提示在今后的训练中根据项目及运动员的具体情况进行有的放矢的训练。

【Abstract】 Wushu is a traditional Chinese sport item. In its long-term development,broadsword^ cudgel, sword and spear have become main weapons. On thewhole, all the four weapons demand the player to be harmonious on the basisof Changquan. However, each weapon has its own feature as well as technicalrequirement. Therefore, different sport item certainly has differentrequirement on player’s physical figure, ability and fitness.As a traditional sport item, Wushu is weak in its basic theory. There is noobjective evaluation for the selection of athletes and for their training. Thispaper makes a general research on players basic function feature and on thedifferences among items to provide a scientific theory for athlete selection.1, Basic physical feature of broadsword, sword, cudgel and spear elites ofChina: comparatively short, circle of the upper arm is broad while pelvisis narrow. The trunk for broadsword and cudgel elite is longer than thelimbs while the sword and spear elite is on the contrary. These featuresadapt to Wushu items. This result offers a theoretical base for theselection of Wushu athletes.2^ The functional feature of broadsword and cudgel elites is characterized by their strong heart ability, while sword and spear elites have a better breath function within one unit weight.3, Broadsword and cudgel elites are featured by their strength and speed, while sword and spear elites are more flexile and agile.4, Broadsword , cudgeK sword and spear athletes have differences in their physical ability. It provides a theoretical base for the selection of athletes as well as their training.5, Athletes’ physical ability features differently, therefore, it indicates that we have to have a definite object in view in athletes’ selection and training.

【关键词】 刀棍剑枪高水平运动员体能特征
【Key words】 broadswordcudgelspearswordphysical abilityelite
  • 【分类号】G852
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】711

