

The Management of National Beach Volleyball Match: Current Condition and Suggestion

【作者】 许广超

【导师】 葛春林;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 研究目的:在三十年代美国兴起的沙滩排球运动在七十年代已风靡欧美国家。特别是在1996年沙滩排球正式列为奥运会比赛项目后,这项以娱乐为初衷的运动以迅猛之势,蓬勃发展起来,成为现代体育竞赛场上一项最具有发展前景、最具有观赏性的运动。我国最初是在1989年的七月开始接触沙滩排球运动的,近几年来我国沙滩排球虽从无到有有了一定的发展,但作为一项新兴的运动,而且又处在我国体育产业化的初期,在没有旧模式的限制下应该具有很强的活力,但事实却并非如此。通过几年来的尝试、摸索,沙滩排球的发展却始终举步为艰。本人通过对我国职业沙滩排球赛事运作现状的调查,从理论上和实践上对目前我国竞技沙滩排球赛事的运作进行了分析、研究,找出问题所在,提出了比较符合我国实际情况的竞技沙滩排球赛事运作建议,希望能对决策部门提供一些有益的参考。研究方法:1文献资料法:大量查阅有关体育产业经济学、体育市场及职业沙滩排球运动的资料:利用INTER网,直接获取国外有关体育产业经济及有关职业沙滩排球运动运作方面的资料。2专家访谈法:对主管我国职业沙滩排球赛事的管理人员、教练员及体育产业方面的专家进行访谈。3问卷调查法:本人对全国沙滩排球巡回赛的其中两站比赛做了现场调查,发放观众调查问卷130份,回收有效问卷109份。发放运动员调查问卷57份,回收有效问卷55份。4逻辑分析法:从发展初期到现阶段对沙滩排球在我国的发展进行了纵向比较。在职业沙滩排球比赛的组织、管理、宣传、包装、运动员职业化、比赛的经济效益等诸方面与国外的相关方面进行了横向的比较。研究结果:通过对体育产业经济学的学习和大量阅读有关体育产业管理、经营的文献资料,以及对现行职业沙滩排球赛事运作方案的调查,研究结果表明在现行经济体制下作为职业沙滩排球赛事的运作体制存在着以下问题:1我国竞技沙滩排球管理体制不明确。2各级地方体委对沙滩排球运动重视不够。3狭隘的锦标主义对沙滩排球整体发展的负面影响。 4赛事的宣传开发不利,赛事与文化结合欠缺并缺少与中间商的大力合作。5赛事的推广缺少对消费市场趋向的前瞻性与适应性。6运动员的职业化问题滞后。主要结论: 1建立独立的沙滩排球管理机构,并大胆下放权利,使沙滩排球运动完全自立。2要对竞技沙滩排球运动赛事做准确的的定位开发,明确我国沙滩排球发展的任务、目标和指导思想。3沙滩排球运动本身的特点决定了要用发展体育文化事业的思路发展我国竞技沙滩排球运动。4在市场经条件下要鼓励多种模式创办职业沙滩排球俱乐部,加快沙滩排球运动的职业化步伐。5应该与各种媒体加强合作,大力宣传沙滩排球运动,特别是要注重沙滩排球运动的文化内容宣传,培养沙滩排球人口。 6应该在互利互惠的基础上,大胆引入中间商进行合作开发,并与旅游业、娱乐业及服装、化妆品业等相关产业加强合作,搞联合开发的经营策略。

【Abstract】 Beach volleyball, a new sport that was created in America in 1930s, has been the rage in 1970s. Especially after it had been placed on Olympic Games, rocketing development has made it to be the sport that is full of the most potential and the most sight in the modern field now.In our country, the very beginning of introduction of beach volleyball was in July 1989. In recent years, as a new sport and with the initial stages of national sport industrialization which is a relative good environment for developing sports, beach volleyball do has some development, but it still leaves much to be desired even without negative impact of old sport management system.Through investigating of present condition of national beach volleyball tour, tournament and invitatory matches we have an initial understand of the management of current condition of national beach volleyball matches. And we have an analysis and research concerned the whole management procedure that was basic on the investigation. We discovered some problems that are main obstacle of beach volleyball’s development. We hope the researching outcome will give some beneficial suggestions and advice to our administrative department.The methods of research are as follows:1, Literature Search: consulted many references concerning sport industry economics, sport marketing and professional beach volleyball player, using internet to get the overseas information of sport industry economy and the management of professional beach volleyball matches directly.2, Specialist Visit: visited administrative officer of national professional beach volleyball matches, coaches of professional beach volleyball teams and specialists focus on sport industry economy.3, Questionnaire: investigated 2000 National Beach Volleyball Tour "Beijing-Changping", and International Beach Volleyball Tour- Women "China-Dalian". Put out 130 audience questionnaires and reclaim 109 effective questionnaires, put out 57 player questionnaires and reclaim 55 effective questionnaires.4, Antithesis: compared development of current and initial stage of beach volleyball in our nation. And made compare in the management, organization, propagandize, ornamentation, professionalization of beach volleyball player and economic benefits of beach volleyball match between our nation and overseas countries.Research Outcomes:1, In our nation the administrative system of professional beach volleyball is not defmitude.2, Necessary attention is not paid by administrative department in most areas.3, Parochial titleism has a negative impact on development of beach volleyball.4, A lot of disadvantages exit in the procedure of exploitation of beach volleyball match. The combination of beach volleyball match and sport culture is very deficiency. Middleman’s work is absence.5, The spread of beach volleyball match is short of prediction that concerned sport consumption market.6, The professionalization of beach volleyball player lags behind.Main Conclusions:1, Establishing an unattached institution to in charge of beach volleyball. Giving this institution full right to manage and organize beach volleyball match.2, Developing beach volleyball sport market with exact orientation and make a clear understand of the main task, goal and guidelines of development.3, The character of beach volleyball determined that in our country, developing beach volleyball should be based on the guidelines of developing project of sport culture.4, Establishing or organizing beach volleyball club with various forms should be encouraged in current market economy. Expediting the progress of professionalization of beach volleyball player in our nation.5, The cooperation with various media should be strengthened. Propagandizing beach volleyball vigorously and the work of propagandizing should be focused on the particular culture meaning of beach volleyball. Enlarging our nation’s population of beach volleyball.6, The introduction of middleman into beach volleyball m

  • 【分类号】G842
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1077

