

Echocardiographic Assessment of Heart Performance During Increasing Load Exercise in WuJing-Soldiers

【作者】 李丽

【导师】 张问礼;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 人体运动科学, 2000, 硕士

【摘要】 运动训练与心脏功能有密切的关系,一定量和一定强度的训练会使心脏的形态结构和功能发生相应的变化,以适应身体对负荷的需求。武警战士在祖国国防安全、人民安定团结上起着重要作用,健康强壮的体魄是必须的,军事训练是他们部队生涯中最重要的内容之一。超声心动图是近三十年来发展起来的无创性诊断心血管疾病的一种新技术,广泛用于临床诊断和基础研究。本实验利用超声心动图技术在安静状态、逐级递增运动负荷中及恢复期对北京市武警19支队的若干名战士的心脏的某些功能指标及特点进行了分析比较。得出结论如下:1. 三个月强化的系统军事训练使新战士的心室腔容积较普通无训练者有一定程度的增大,但与两年系统军事训练的老战士相比其增大程度不如后者。心脏形态学诸指标左室收缩术期和舒张末期容积ESV、EDV及左室收缩末期和舒张末期内径ESD、EDD等新老战士间有非常显著的统计学差异。2. 在心室壁厚度方面,新老战士间尚无明显差别。左室后壁舒张末期及收缩末期厚度PWd、PWs及室间隔收缩末期及舒张末期厚度IVSTS、IVSTd等指标组间未见显著的统计学差异。3. 新老战士的心输出量CO有显著性差异,其差异主要是由每搏输出量SV的差异造成的,二者的心率HR全过程均无显著性统计学差异。通过对平均周径缩短率MVCF、小轴缩短率FS、射血分数EF等指标的综合分析,认为主要是由于心肌收缩力的提高,使老战士心脏比新战士心脏有更高的泵血效率,获得更大的每搏输出量。此外,较长时间的训练使得老战士心脏比新战士心脏对运动负荷的应激有更快、更好的适应性。4. 新老战士的心率HR及心指数CI等尚未见显著的统计学差异。建议:新战士三个月强化训练后,仍应保持较高的训练量和训练强度,这对心脏结构功能的提高作用将会更好。5. 以耐力训练为主、结合多种训练方式的系统军事训练使战士在心腔增大方面较为明显,但心室壁厚度增加程度不显著。建议:在战士军事训练的内容中以有氧训练为主,再增加一些高强度、大力量及无氧耐力方面的训练,以增加心壁厚度,增强心肌的射血功能。

【Abstract】 The performance of heart plays an important role in sports and exerciseswhich at the same time affect the feature and function of the hearts.WuJing-soldiers’ strong is of importance in national defence and stabilization.The military discipline make them strong.Echocardiographic examination(UCG) is newly developed technology in the late 30 years,which enjoys popular recognition for its effect in clinical and basic study.Our experiments use this technology to study the difference of the heart of some soldiers of the 19th WuJing-detachment in BeiJing.The main study and conclusion lies below:1 .The three monthes regular military discipline brings more enlargement to new soldiers’ left ventricular internal dimensions than untrained health men’s,but less than the older soldiers having been trained for two years.Such indexes as ESD> ESV\ EDD, EDV show distinct difference between the new and the old soldiers.2.In term of the wall thickness of ventricular,there is little difference.The indexes,such as PWd. PWs, IVSTd and IVSTs show it.3.The cardiac output show distinct deference which is resulted from not heart rate but stroke volume(SV).Comprehensive analysing to MVCF> FS - EF et discloses that myocardium contract ability results to it.Furthermore,the old soldiers’ hearts have better adaptability to stimulation.4.Because of little statistic difference between the new soldiers and the old ones’ heart rate and cardiac index,we advise: keep training in more and higher intensity 3 monthes later,it will make better to the hearts..5.Military training mainly by endurance,combining with many other kinds brings obvious enlargement to ventricular volume but little thickness of ventricle wall.We suggest adding some high intensity and strength and anaerobic endurance exercise to the main aerobic training in order to improve the ejection ability.

  • 【分类号】G804.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】117

