

A Tentative Research of the Inquiry Reading Teaching of Chinese

【作者】 陈玲梅

【导师】 江少川;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 语文探究性阅读教学是一种化被动接受为主动探讨,化知识注入为思想沟通,化单向吸收为多方面交流的语文阅读教学,它作为提高中学生阅读能力的一种有效途径和方法,已越来越受到广泛的重视。对这一课题的研究,不仅具有理论价值,而且还具有现实意义,富有时代感。在我国,随着新一轮基础教育课程改革的全面推进,新大纲和新课程都倡导在课程实施中引导学生质疑、调查、探究,促进学生在教师指导下主动地、富有个性地学习。本文立足于现代脑科学与认知心理学及语文教育学理论,结合自己从事探究性阅读教学实践,分四个部分对语文探究性阅读教学进行了初步探讨。 第一部分:提出探究性阅读教学这一概念,说明语文探究性阅读教学是语文阅读教学改革的必然产物。 第二部分:探讨探究性阅读教学的理论依据,说明语文探究性阅读教学有它深厚的文化底蕴。 第三部分:对探究性阅读教学进行了概述。在对语文探究性阅读教学界定的基础上,分析了它的内容,从语文独特的学科优势说明了语文探究性阅读教学是完全可行的,并从教育理念的角度对教师提出了相应的要求。 第四部分:探讨语文探究性阅读教学的实施方案,这是本文写作的重点,分三个方面来论述。 1、教师要善于指导学生精读生疑。精读要弄清文义,领会主旨,并能挖掘文中的新意。教师指导时要注意文章的层次,从整体角度生疑。 2、教师要引导学生质疑。质疑方式包括理解性质疑,怀疑性质疑,实践/迄自入硕士学位论文w MASThR’S THESIS 性质疑和比较性质疑。质疑时问题要明确,合理,有效。 3、师生思考解疑的方法主要有这样几种:抓重点实质,引进比较,利用 正迁移,发挥联想和想象,拓展思维空间。

【Abstract】 Inquiry reading teaching is a method of reading teaching that changes negative acceptance into positive "investigation, knowledge infusion into thought communication, unilateral absorption into multilateral exchange. As an effective approach to improve the reading ability of middle school students, it is increasingly receiving comprehensive attention. Thus researching on this topic has not only theoretical value but also practical significance and is full of sense of era. In our nation, with the all-around advance of the new round of basic education courses reform, new teaching precis and new courses all advocate that teachers should lead students to question, investigate and inquiry, urging the students to learn on their own initiative and to their own taste under the guidance of a teacher. Based on modern brain science, cognition psychology and Chinese education theory, and combined with the author’s practice of inquiry reading teaching, this thesis makes an elementary research on inquiry reading teaching in four parts.Part one brings forward the concept of inquiry reading teaching and illuminates that inquiry reading teaching is the inevitable result of Chinese reading teaching reform.Part two explores the theoretical foundations of inquiry reading teaching and illuminates that inquiry reading teaching has profound cultural elements.Part three makes a summary of inquiry reading teaching. Based on the definition of inquiry reading teaching, this part analyzes its concrete contents, illuminates that inquiry reading teaching is fully practical from the unique subject advantages of Chinese and proposes corresponding requirements for teachers.Part four probes into the implementation scheme of inquiry reading teaching.This part is the key point of the thesis and is discussed in three sub-parts:Firstly, teachers should be good at leading students to intensive reading and producing questions .Reading should grasp the meaning of the article and come into being a new meaning. Teachers should let students pay attention to the sequence and integrity of questions .Secondly, teachers should lead students to questioning and teach students the rule of questioning. The modes of questioning include comprehension questioning, doubt questioning, practice questioning and comparison questioning. The question should be definite, reasonable . The validity of questioning should be borne in mind. Thirdly, the means of resolving the questions of teachers and students mainly include such as grasping the keystone and essence, inducting comparison, utilizing positive transference, using association and imagination, expanding thinking space, etc.

  • 【分类号】G633.33
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】501

