

The Trend of Normal Schools in China

【作者】 何明

【导师】 涂艳国;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育管理, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 在以三级师范向二级师范转化为主旋律的师范教育改革的大潮中,中师教育如何发挥自身的特色优势,立足当地师范教育的实际,找准自身改革的最佳切入点,以尽快适应教育市场规律,从而力争在现代师范教育的布局调整和改革中走出一条低投入高产出的快速发展之路,切实为自己打造未来生存和发展空间,是摆在中等师范学校面前的一个生死攸关的问题,本文从当前中师教育面临的世纪挑战出发,立足于江西省九江师范学校的办学调研和教育改革的实践,以求寻找中师教育世纪改革的感性经验和理性认识。 本文共分为:引言;中师教育面临的世纪挑战;当前中师教育改革的思考与对策;九江师范学校的改革与探索等四部分。其中第一部分简述了中师教育发展走过的历程,客观地分析了当前中师教育改革与发展的形势。第二部分分析了当前中师教育面临的三个方面的世纪挑战。第三部分通过对当前中师改革的思考积极寻求适应中师未来发展的对策。第四部分从九江师范学校当前五年一贯制办学模式的调研中分析中师升格后从四个方面进行的实践探索。

【Abstract】 How to give full play of its advantages and how to find the best approach to reform so as to get itself used to the law of education and plan itself a better future is a matter of vital importance facing the normal school with vocational training school (NSVTS) in the contemporary society. This thesis tries to approach NSVTS reform from the perceptual and rational perspective basing on the research and reform of Jiujiang normal school in Jiangxi province.The thesis includes 4 parts: Introduction; The challenges facing NSVTS; The reflections and countermeasures for NSVTS reform; The reform and research of Jiujiang normal school. The first part introduces briefly the history and contemporary situation of NSVTS. The second part analyzes the challenges from three aspects that face NSVTS Part three tries to seek the proper countermeasure for the future development of NSVTS. The fourth part analyzes the researches and experiments of NSVTS after its upgrading basing on the study of the school-running model of Jiujiang normal school within recent five years.

  • 【分类号】G650
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】292

