

Struggle in Nothingness: A Thematic Study on Ernest Hemingway

【作者】 李淑春

【导师】 张强;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 厄内斯特·海明威(1899—1961)作为一代名家历来受到众多读者的青睐,对他的评论更是数不胜数。海明威作为“迷惘一代”的代言人,他的主要作品展现了一代人的情绪:对战争的憎恶、对死亡的恐惧、对人生的迷惘、对生活的无奈。同时,他给人们展示了在“压力下保持优雅风度”的“硬汉形象”。 而国内外评论界对海明威的评论最多的正是他的“硬汉形象”和“虚无思想”。但现有的研究不是强调前者,就是侧重于后者。这对于全面理解海明威的创作思想无疑有失于偏颇。 论文通过对海明威四部代表作(《太阳照样升起》、《永别了,武器》、《丧钟为谁而鸣》、《老人与海》)的分析,发现他作品中的主人公既具有“虚无”的一面(即“虚无思想”),同时也具有“抗争”的另一面(即“硬汉形象”),说明他的主人公都逃不脱“虚无中抗争”的命运,从而阐释他的主题只能是“虚无中的抗争”;而且主人公在“虚无中抗争”的主题在其主要作品中是逐步发展的,即“虚无”成分越来越少,“抗争”的成分越来越多。 《太阳照样升起》 (1926)书名出自《圣经·旧约》的《福音书》,表达了一种虚无思想。书中的主人公杰克·巴恩斯在战争中负伤,女主人公布莱特·艾施利则被战争夺走了丈夫的生命。他们深爱着对方,但却因为战争留给杰克的伤痛而不能结合。战争不仅摧毁了他们的生活,也粉碎了他们传统的信念和价值观。他们或是游戏人生,或是玩世不恭,或是借酒浇愁,他们是“迷惘的一代”。但在《太阳照样升起》中海明威要表达的不仅仅是“虚无思想”,而是要揭示主人公在战后的精神荒原中如何生存下去的问题,即主人公如何在“虚无中抗争”。 《永别了,武器》(1929)描述的是美国“迷惘一代”在战争中的不幸遭遇,展示了主人公弗雷德里克·亨利的成长过程:从自愿参战到负伤,到重返战场,到厌战逃离战场与战争单独媾和,到爱人孩子双亡的痛苦经历,从而深刻地揭示了“迷惘一代”在战后如此“迷惘”、失落和沉沦的根本原因。“把巴恩斯同亨利这两个厌战的人物相比较,显然后者较之前者有较大幅度的发展。亨利敢于采取行动,认识到战争的无意义后,退出战争。但总的来说,此八 硕士学位论文 W一yW STW’S TI IESIS 时海明威笔下的硬汉还缺乏生活目标,是迷隅的抗争者。”(胡铁生,1999:84) 《丧钟为谁而鸣 )) ( 940)是一部杰出的反法西斯主义小说。主人公罗伯 特·乔丹是一位美国青年,他出于民族利益和对法西斯的憎恨积极参加西班牙 战争。他执行炸桥任务时,明知困难重重,甚至有生命危险,但他非常坚定, 积极组织游击队员们完成战斗任务。在撤退时,他大腿受重伤骨折,他坚持留 下来阻击敌人,为战友的撤退赢得时间。在与游击对员一起生活的三天里,乔 丹爱上了西班牙姑娘玛丽亚;他珍惜生命中的每一分钟,力图在七十个小时内 度过一生中的恋爱、婚姻和革命斗争生活。此时,“虚无”的成分己少了许多, 更多的是乔丹“抗争”的悲壮。 在《老人与海》( 952)中,杰克、亨利、乔丹等“硬汉形象”在老人桑 提亚哥身上得到了淋漓尽致的再现,桑提亚哥是“虚无中抗争”的典范,他认 为:“一个人并不是生来要给打败的,人能被消灭,但不能被打败。”八十四 天没有打到一条鱼的“厄运”并没有吓倒他,他仍然孤独地一人出海,终于钓 到了一条罕见的大马林鱼。与马林鱼和鲨鱼的搏斗再现了他百折不挠的“抗争” 精神。 海明威“虚无中抗争”主题的形成离不开他所处的文化历史背景和他的个 人经历对他的影响。他父亲对钓鱼、打猎和自然的热爱深深地影响了他,他的 家乡欧克派克的生活理念对他争胜好强、吃苦耐劳的性格的形成起了决定性的 作用,残酷的战争留给他的梦魔,安德森、庞德、斯泰因等文学巨匠对他的引 导和帮助,巴黎的文化氛围、西班牙斗牛、非洲狩猎、古巴钓鱼等等人生经历 丰富了他的作品,他的作品是时代的缩影。 “虚无中抗争” 的主题具有积极的社会意义:它既是美国价值的精髓, 同时对全人类有普遍的哲学意义。正是由于主人公能在“虚无中抗争”,在海 明威的世界里,你会学会如何正确对待失败,认识孤独和恐惧,如何在压力下 保持风度,在逆境中抗争。他的英摊准则同时也是当代人在日益激烈的社会竟 争中必须具备的一种素质。海明威的作品能激荡人们的情感,唤醒人们做人的 尊严和直面生活的勇气,让人们懂得抗争的价值,勇敢地担当起社会的责任。

【Abstract】 As the spokesman for the "Lost Generation", Ernest Hemingway (1899?961) has aroused interest of many readers, and many critics have made comments on him. His works express the feelings of the whole generation: hatred of war, fear of death, confusion and no choice of life. At the same time, he created a "code hero" who shows "grace under pressure".Comments from critics at home and abroad mostly talk about his "code hero" and "nothingness thoughts". But the current research results either emphasize the former or the latter, which will lead to the deviation in understanding Hemingway’s writing thoughts.In his four masterpieces: The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls and The Old Man and the Sea, his main characters, disillusioned with failed ideals, struggle vainly all the time as a "code hero" showing "grace under pressure". They cannot escape the fate of "struggle in nothingness", as the thoughts of nothingness and struggling co-exist in his works. This thesis intends to reach a thorough .understanding of Hemingway’s writing thoughts and asserts that there is an eternal theme in Hemingway’s works梥truggle in nothingness, which does not remain unchanged but has been developed during his writing career.The title of The Sun Also Rises (1926) is from a passage Hemingway quotes from Ecclesiastes which shows his thoughts of nothingness. Both the hero and the heroine suffered from World War I. While Jack Barnes was wounded in the war, Brett Ashley lost her husband in it. Although they loved each other, they could not get married for Jack’s physical problem. What the war has affected was not only their life, but also their former beliefs. They became wandering pointlessly and restlessly, enjoying things like fishing, swimming, bullfights, and beauties of nature, believing that the world is crazy and meaningless and futile. Their whole life is undercut and defeated. The only strength to live on with any dignity comes from nowhere but themselves. There is nothing one can do but to take care of one’s ownlife and be tough against the fate, tough with grace under pressure, that is, "struggle in nothingness".A Farewell to Arms (1929) explores the misery of the "Lost Generation" in the war. It focuses on the war experiences of Frederic Henry, telling how he takes part in the war voluntarily, how he is wounded, becomes war-weariness, runs away from the war, makes separate peace, and how his lover Catherine and their baby die during a birth giving operation. It explains how people like Jack Barnes come to behave the way they do. Frederic becomes a very embittered man, fighting single handed against overwhelming odds. Here stands the Hemingway hero, an average man of decidedly masculine tastes, sensitive and intelligent, a man of action, and one who keeps emotions under control. He struggles bravely in nothingness.For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940) is about the Spanish Civil War. In this novel the traces of Frederic Henry are still clearly visible in Robert Jordan. It deals with three days in the life of Robert Jordan, the Hemingway hero, who is fighting as an American volunteer in the Spanish Civil War. He is sent to join a guerrilla band to blow up a strategic bridge as part of an attack which he knows is doomed to fail. He spends three days and nights in the guerrillas’ cave, and falls in love with a Spanish girl Maria. To win time for the guerrilla to retreat, Jordan successfully destroys the bridge and is wounded in the retreat. He has done his best for his comrades-in-arms and for the cause which he believes in.In The Old Man and the Sea (1952), the story of the fisherman Santiago is certainly a story of defeat. The isolated old man, who goes " too far out" in search of "the big one", returns home with the useless skeleton of a "fish that was". He returns home exhausted, bloody, stripped of gear, and even poorer than ’when he started out. His entire journey has "produced" nothing梕xcept perhaps, food for the scavenger sharks. The image of "code hero" reappears here thoroughly in the old

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