

The Application and Study of Reverse Order for Constructing High Buildings

【作者】 闫文广

【导师】 刘殿魁;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 机械工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 采用逆作法施工技术有很多的优点,但是逆作法施工技术的不完善制约了逆作法的推广与发展,本文结合具体的逆作法施工实例开展了大量的逆作法施工技术的研究工作。 逆作法施工技术研究包括对基坑及边坡、地下室钢筋混凝土结构和工程桩的应力与应变(沉降)研究。此外,逆作法施工的临测及环境监护研究也是逆作法施工技术研究的重要内容。鉴于国内外的研究把重点放在大力发展工程桩的实验室承载力监测方法与设备、如何使土方开挖机械现代化及对周围建筑的临测方法上,本文提出了现场利用声波层析成像技术监测钢砼桩内部质量的方法与程序,并得出了声波层析成像技术是砼桩的动态质量检测的有效手段,这对指导施有积极、现实意义;提出了综合运用朗肯土压力理论、基坑空间和时间效应影响理论来分析逆作法施工过程中基坑边坡土体应力及应变的变化情况,指出粘土地区也应考虑时间效应,并且进一步分析了基坑边坡土体的塑性区形成和发展,找出边坡最不利的区域,以确定地下室土体的挖掘的方式和顺序,指出凭主观臆断与经验来施工是不可取的;在分析、经较逆作法与大开挖顺作法的地下室结构体系受力情况及施工顺序的不同,提出了节点处理技术;分析了逆作法施工期间桩的沉降变化原因及由此而产生的差异,并探讨了解决的方法;本文还提出了环境振动对土体边坡稳定产生影响的观点,并分析了在环境振动影响下,土体的应力状态及土休失稳破坏概率,并且还运用弹性力学知识和数学分析的方法定量地分析了地下混凝土墙受力状态,指出了被监测墙体的最大应力、应变位置。 在系统地论述了逆作法的基础上,本文指出了逆作法技术应用与推广中存在的问题,并提出自己相应的建议,为逆作法工程应用提供了有益的参考。

【Abstract】 Although advantages of reverse order, the development of reverse order for construction is limited by its incompleteness. A lot of studies are finished.Researching on the technology If reverse order is to study strains If pits,structural systems If basement,environmental surwey and underpinnings. On account of emphasizing developing methods If checking strength If pick-ets,modemizing machenes of excavation and studying methods of underpinning is put forward and is a way If controlling the quality of pickets in sites, which leads an active effect;synthetic application If rankintheory,spatial and time effect theory to excavation tl aanalyze the state of soil force and strain is brought forward andthe time effect should be considered in the zone of clay, the formation and development of soil plasticity are analyzed and the most dangerous zone to decide how to excavate and where to begin is found; analyzing the cause of picket settlement during reverse order and the differential settlement and discussing hlw to solute it .Duringh the temporary survey and the environmental warship,bringing rorward the theory of environmental vibration and analyzing the state of soil force and probability of losing stabilization of soil under the effect of environmental vibration; analyzing the state offeree in underground concrete wall by the method of mathematics and pointing out the place of the maximum force and deformation. Based on systematic illustrating the reverse order, problems about application and development of reverse order and suggestions also are expressed.

  • 【分类号】TU974
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】419

