

A Study of Graphic Realization of Geographic Information System for City Communication Network

【作者】 许进

【导师】 郝燕玲;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 从通信行业及通信网络的现状和特点来看,将地理信息系统(GIS)引入其中并建立城市通信管网地理信息系统(CCNGIS)是必然的。CCNGIS构建在计算机的软硬件平台上,将文字信息与图形描述结合起来,实现了空间地理数据和文字属性数据的共同检索和相关查询,改变了过去电信设备资料手工管理的模式,基本实现了对电信资料管理的科学化和自动化。 通信管网地理信息系统在实现有两个要点,一个是对空间地理信息数据的可视化处理,另一个是对专业电信数据管理的实现。整个系统构架于客户/服务器模式下,通过建立空间数据结构、属性数据库表结构以及空间数据和属性数据连接等方式来实现系统功能。本文着重研究了系统图形功能的实现技术。 本文搭建了客户/服务器构架系统模型,分析了系统两端的功能侧重点和具体实现细节。客户端/服务器模式很好地满足了系统网络传输的要求,而且开发简单,较易实现,是局域网系统通用的一种开发模式。 本文详细介绍了系统图形功能的实现技术,包括地理空间数据信息的获取和图形功能实现两个方面。前者的研究对空间数据共享意义重大,其发展趋势为空间数据操作规范(OpenGIS);后者则介绍了GIS图形功能各个模块,对它们的实现技术作了阐述,对其可能出现的问题作了解释。 本文还对GIS的技术发展方向作了一些研究,其重点是Web-GIS的实现技术及其特点,并对其应用前景作了展望。随着互联网的发展,GIS系统必将与web技术紧密结合起来,对社会经济的发展起到推动作用。 本文所设计的通信管网地理信息系统,已投入使用。随着系统功能的完善及推广,将把我国电信基础网络设施的管理水平真正推进到信息化时代。

【Abstract】 From the view of the Conununication Network feature and status quo, it’snecessary to build up a practical City Conunwhcation Network GeographicInformation System(CCNGIS). Based on computer softwar and hardwareplatform, CCNGIS integrates graphic and literal information, realizes the mutualdata process and analysis for spatial data and attribute data, changes manual modeof the managemellt of telecom-data. CCNGIS make the managemeni of telecom-data be more scientific and auomatic.There are two importan points in realizing CCNGIS, one is to visualizespatial data and the other is to realize the management of telecom-data. Thesystem adopts the C1ient/Server mode, builds up the data structure for spatial andattribute date and connects spatial data and attribute data between each other. Tosolve the connection of spatial data and attribule data, this system has a dualarchitecture. In this paper, the author has a research on realization of the graphicfunction.The system uses the C/S structure mode, which is easy to realize. Bothterminals have its own emphasis and the software realization is much different indetail.The paper introduces the technique of graPhic fimctions in the CCNGIS,including the acquirement of spatial data and the realization of graphic fimctions.Research of the former is significan to the sharing of spatial data, and the latterexpounds severa1 fimction modules in this system.The GIS development direction is also studied in the paper, which isWebGIS. The technique is connected with Internet tighly. With the developmentof network technology CCNGIS will contact with web more tighly in the future.The CCNGIS designed in thes paPer is finished in the fOrm of prototype.Wth the optimiZation of the system fimctions and its practical use, themanagemellt level of comrnunication netWrk devices will be elevated to thedigitalized age.

【关键词】 GIS属性数据库Oracle空间数据结构套接字
【Key words】 GISAttribute DatabaseOracleSpatial Data StructureSocket
  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】123

