

Study on Business Process Reengineering to Dongqing Company

【作者】 汪秋菊

【导师】 史丽萍;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文以东轻公司为对象,通过对其运作案例的研究,达到缩短交货期、理顺运作流程的目的。论文共分为两个部分: 第一部分为东轻公司案例部分。这一部分主要是围绕着东轻公司产品从投入到产出的整个业务流程,展示了东轻公司业务流程存在的问题,主要表现为:新产品开发周期长;生产计划失控;制造周期长;生产分厂在制品积压;产品成品率相当低。这些问题使得东轻公司的生产经营处于相当艰难的境地,无法按期交货,更无法快速响应市场需求。第二部分为东轻案例分析。主要是针对公司总业务流程存在的问题包括订货、采购、生产计划、生产制造等过程进行研究,通过分析不能按期交货的原因,找到流程中阻碍按时交货的环节,使东轻公司在速度上获得“彻底的、根本的、戏剧性的”变化,以达到缩短交货期、快速响应市场的目的。流程再造方案主要通过观念重建、流程重建、组织重建三个方面来实现。观念重建是调整企业现有的经营观念与价值观,塑造符合企业发展要求的经营理念。在此基础上,进行流程重建,它作为流程再造的核心过程,主要是剔除流程中的无效活动、尽量减少非增值性活动、不断改善增值性活动。组织重建的目的是给业务流程重组提供制度上的保障,建立持续改进机制。

【Abstract】 In this dissertation, we study Business Process Reengineering to Dongqing Company so as to delivery goods on time. This dissertation has two main parts:In the first main part, we describe Dongqing Company’s case, we show whole business process from material to goods, at the same time, we show some problems in the process: the period that new product is produced wastes time; planning is out of control; the period that product is produced is longer; semimanufacture is hoarded; the percentage of good product is low. Dongqing company’s manufacture and management is in bad condition, Dongqing could not delivery goods on schedule. At the same time, could not react to market needs rapidly. In the second main part, we analyze Dongqing Company’s cases. According to the whole process, we research some proces that exist problems, such as the process of placing an order, stock, planning and production, in order to find the cause, then we bring Business Process Reengineering into effect, idea rebuilding, process rebuilding and management structure rebuilding. The idea should be rebuilt with modernistic idea, on this basis, we rebuild Dongqing Company’s process in order to eliminate invalid activity, decrease unvalued activity and improve valued activity. Finally, we rebuild management structure to guarantee the success to Business Process Reengineering.

  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】191

