

Relationship between Industrial Structure & Economic Cycles

【作者】 刘立斌

【导师】 张玉喜;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 产业经济学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 产业、产业结构和经济周期是经济中的重要概念。本文作者认为产业结构发展是经济周期形成的重要原因。产业结构的发展主要以两种形式进行:产业结构平稳发展和产业结构转换。当经济中产业结构的发展处于转换期时,经济将处于周期的总体衰退阶段;而当产业结构处于稳定发展中时经济将处于周期的总体繁荣阶段。产业结构的发展有其自身的规律,它受经济总能量、技术、劳动力、资本和市场的影响,产业结构平稳发展与产业结构转换两个阶段交替出现,是形成经济周期的主要原因。缩短产业结构转换所需的时间可以减少经济处于经济周期衰退阶段的时间,从而实现国民经济的长期稳定持续发展。 自18世纪70年代资本主义形成以来,世界经济的发展经历了五个大周期,最后一个从1990年开始到现在刚刚展开。它们的形成是因为世界产业结构的发展变化,它们分别对应着世界经济5个大的产业结构发展阶段。目前我们正处于信息产业经济周期的繁荣期,以产业结构变迁形成经济周期的理论来分析,繁荣期还能维持10-20年,这之后产业结构将进入下一个转换期,世界经济将可能再次以衰退或发展缓慢为主。 同样,产业结构是经济周期形成的原因这一规律也适用于对新中国经济发展的分析。从新中国建国到现在,如果没有大跃进和文革时的政治影响,新中国经济的发展应该可以划分出两个大的周期,分别对应于产业结构在改革开放前的重工业发展阶段和改革开放后的以轻工业为主的发展阶段。这对我们分析中国未来经济的发展非常重要。

【Abstract】 Industrial structure and economic cycles are two very important concepts in the economics. The writer of this thesis thinks the development of the industrial structure is the basic reason of forming economic cycles. When the industrial structure of economy is in the period of change, the economy will be in the stage of prosperity, while when the industrial structure of the economy is in the period of stable progress, the economy will be in the stage of recession.Through the development progress of the capitalistic world economy, the industrial structure changed in a certain order and the changes of the industrial structure made the economic macro-cycles. Since 1770s, the history of the world capitalistic economy can be sorted into four and a half macro-cycles that matched the five stages of the industrial structures development respectively. Now we are in the prosperous stage of IT-industry cycle, that can continue the prosperity for another 10 or 20 years, and after that the world will turn into recession again.Since the founding of the new China in 1949, there has been two macro-cycles in the development of the economy. Throughout the development the economy of China showed characters of a chaser-style economy of backward country. We have some good opportunities, but we have a lot of problems too.

【关键词】 产业结构经济周期
【Key words】 industrial structureeconomic cycles
  • 【分类号】F121.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】480

