

Research on the Creative Target Model and Knowledge, Ability and Quality Structure for the Postgraduates

【作者】 李志平

【导师】 杨冶;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国,研究生教育是“培养具有创新精神和实践能力的高级专门人才”的主要方式。研究生教育主要有两部分,一是《培养计划》规定的各门课程的知识学习,二是在科学研究中应用所学的知识进行创新活动的培训锻炼。经过系统的知识学习和科研活动的训练,使研究生“掌握本学科坚实(宽广)的基础理论、系统(深入)的专业知识,掌握相应的技能、方法和相关知识,具有(独立)从事本(学科)专业实际工作和(创造性)科学研究工作的能力”。 要求研究生掌握本学科的基础理论和专业知识以及相关知识,具有(独立)从事(创造性)科学研究工作的能力,即要求研究生具有创新精神和创新能力。研究生的创新需要根据其所学的学科专业的基础性、应用性和强应用性等性质加以区别,并据此确立其创新的培养目标模式,即创新目标模式;而不同创新目标模式培养的研究生,其主体知识必然存在差异,其基础知识也有所不同,即其知识结构是不相同的。在研究生教育中明确研究生的创新目标模式以及相应的知识结构等是提高研究生创新能力教育的奠基性工作。与此同时,对研究生创新目标模式与能力结构、素质结构关系的研究,亦是提高研究生创新能力教育必不可少的内容。 本文在对创新概念、内容和过程进行了概括总结的基础上,认为研究生创新活动有知识创新、技术创新和经济创新三种创新目标模式,并用技术结构观点(主体、基础、通用、相关)对研究生创新目标模式与知识结构、能力结构、素质结构之间的关系进行了开创性的研究。初步解释了研究生创新目标模式赖以存在的知识创新结构、技术创新结构、经济创新结构的不同主要是其所学学科专业 一 的基础性、应用性和强应用性对应的主体知识的不同;初步解释了 培养专家型研究生和培养科学家型研究生,其知识结构的不同主要 是由于专家型研究生的相关知识如法学、科学哲学等成为其基础知 识后造成的:井进一步解释了人们相信、信任专家、科学家是因为’其思维、认识、行动都是理性的辩证的原因造成的。在此基础上, 进行了博士研究生、硕士研究生培养方案的比较,得出了博士生较 硕士生的基础理论和基本知识的广泛性和深入性,导致其知识结构 的升级和培养层次的提高,创造性地提出了研究生知识结构升级的 三种方式是宽基础型、广研究方向型和综合型。在创新能力方面, 本文在前人的“正常人的智慧活动以智力中的抽象逻辑思维能力为 核心,非智力要素单独起作用”的启发下,将智力中与创新活动密 切相关的想象力和顿悟力定义成创新力,将非智力中与创新活动密 切相关的意志力和兴趣定义为引导力,井得出创新能力结构的主体 能力是创新力和引导力,是二者的和谐统一。在创新素质方面,明 确提出了研究生素质由知识、能力和人格三要素组成,其创新能力 结构以创新实践素质为主体素质。在知识、能力、素质三者关系方 面,首次提出了研究生的知识、能力只是素质的二个重要方面,只 有加上完整的人格,即研究生具备了判断能力的使用方向的素质, 研究生的素质才是完整的;同时完整人格的教育能够解诀目前研究 生教育中不能完全解诀的或者圣人式教育中不能完全解诀的研究生 创新活动之外的正常人的学习、生活和工作中存在的问题。

【Abstract】 In China, graduate education is the principal way to cultivate the senior talents with the abilities to innovate and practice. It is composed of the two parts as follows: the knowledge gaining from the courses and the training for innovation in scientific research with the knowledge gained. The systematic learning and training for scientific research can get the graduates the broad and solid basic theories in their fields, systematic knowledge, skills, methods and the knowledge related so that they can have abilities in practical research work.What are the creative knowledge and abilities for the graduates in their teaching practice? How to analyze then? And what are their quality and creative quality structures? Some of scholars really have done some research on them, but quite initial.On the basis of the general summary on the concept of innovation and its content and process, the paper thinks the creative activities are made up of three parts梜nowledge, technology and economic innovation. It has made an initial study of the graduates’creative structures in knowledge, abilities and quality according to the viewpoints of technology structure and explains briefly that the differences in their creative structures mentioned above result from the various knowledge they have, and the different knowledge structures between the expert type and scientist type graduates come from diversified knowledge of laws, philosophy and so on. Moreover, a further explanation indicates the reason why people believe and trust specialists and scientists is that their thinking, cognition and behavior are rational and dialectical.On this basis, a cultivation plan comparison for Ph.D. and Master has been made, concluding that Ph.D. is broader and deepen basic theory and knowledge, which upgrades their knowledge structure and training level.In terms of the ability to innovate, much enlightened by the idea that normal man’s cognitive activity is based on the abstract thinking and non-cognitive factors act independently, it defines that the imagination and insight related closely to the creative activity in intelligence are the abilities to innovate, and that will power and interest in non-intelligence are the abilities to direct innovation. So it concludes that the principal ability in creative structure is the one to innovate and to direct innovation-the harmonious unity of the two. In the field of the innovation quality, the paper definitely states the quality of the graduates is consisted of knowledge, ability and personality, and their innovation structure is characterized with the practice quality for innovation. In the relation of knowledge, ability and quality, it is the first to advance that the graduates innovation knowledge and ability are the only two parts of innovation quality, which can be completed with the good personalities that is, the quality of correctly using the ability to judge. Meanwhile, the education for good personalities is able to solve such problems that a normal person usually meets his study life and work (suicide by jumping out of the building for love), which can’t be completely solved in the education for graduates or for the elite.

  • 【分类号】G643
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】737

