

【作者】 马国泉

【导师】 于清涟;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 学习的迁移(transfer of learning)是指一种情境中获的知识、技能或形成的态度对另一种情境中的技能、知识的获得或态度的形成的影响。简而言之,就是“一种学习对另一种学习的影响”。迁移是人类认知的普遍特,因为新的学习总是建立在原有学习的基础之上的。学校不可能将所有知识、技能都传授给学生,必须使学生具备迁移的能力。因此,迁移也是实施“素质教育”的重要内容之一。本篇论文以高中历史教学为基础,旨在探讨现代迁移理论对高三历史复习的指导,培养学生历史学习中的迁移能力,适应知识经济时代创新人才的需要和高考“3+X”的要求。 本篇论文主要是在历史教学实践经验的基础上,参考有关迁移文献修订而成。 目前,我国教育正面临着从应试教育向素质教育转变的关键时期,如何使教育适应这种转变?如何通过历史教育提高中华民族的素质?成为每个教育工作者面临的重大课题。在一些人的心目中,有一种把高考和素质教育对立起来的看法,好像高考就必须进行应试教育似的。 其实,高考,已在改革之中,教育重在提高素质,高考也重在检验素质。高考始终为教育提供最有力的导向,激励教育向着国家规定的目标前进。 历史承载着一个民族的精神。历史教育的核心内容是塑造学生的创造人格和个性。其最基本途径是对历史思维方法的掌握。历史思维的方法反映了历史现象发生和发展的过程,是理解历史知识的脉络,应用历史知识的桥。随着对历史方法的不断了解、积累和熟练,学生的思维将变得更开阔、更敏捷,解决问题的手段会更多、更灵活。这就形成一种心理的定势,使学生以最快的速度去获取知识,并能够产生一种对问题的敏感性,通过一定的思维网络,迅速的抓住问题的要害,找到解决问题的途径。 但是长期以来,历史教学只注重提供教学内容,而不注重教学方法以及思维方法的培养和训练。 本文概括历史教学改革的时代要求,对传统迁移理论和现代迁移理论作了历史回顾,特别对现代迁移理论即认知结构迁移理论、产生式迁移理论和反省认知迁移理论进行了评析,并阐述在知识分类的前提下现代迁移理论在高三历史复习的具体应用及方法,以培养高中生历史学习迁移的能力,真正实现“为迁移而教”和“教是为了不教”的教学目的。

【Abstract】 Transfer of learning is an influence that the skill , knowledge or attitude shaped in one context have influence on skill, knowledge or attitude shaped in another context. In a brief, transfer of learning is that one learning has an influence on another learning. Transfer is a general characteristic of the cognition of the people because new learning is always built on the basis of past learning. It is impossible for the school to reach the students all knowledge and skill, but the student must have the ability to transfer. Therefore, transfer is one part of the quality-education. The present theses intends to probe into the application of modern theory transfer of learning in history review which students in common senior school employ so that transfer ability can be performed to enhance their history learning competence , which can cater for reform of high school entrance exam. The thesis mainly employs the teaching experience in my teaching , revised in accordance with transfer data concerned .At present, my country’s education is transmitting from test education to making education .How to respond the transition ? How to enhance Chinese people’s tuff? This has become every teacher’s major task.The major content of history teaching is that shape the student’s creativity and individuality . These demand students to master the history thinking method.Yet, from long ago, in the course of history teaching ,we only pay attention to providing history content, and that ,neglect the method of teaching and thinking.The thesis generalize the necessity of the reform history teaching and introduce three modern transfer theories and application of it in the practical history teaching.Above all, the author holds that in order to realize of being called that reaching is not to reach.Teacher’s educational notion should be transformed to full filly apply modern transfer theory.

  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】367

