

【作者】 董鹏生

【导师】 蔡建峰; 沈长河;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 航空工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科技的发展和市场的推进,高新技术产品愈来愈多地进入市场,发展之迅猛使我们始料不及。高技术产品得到综合性应用,并全面介入市场的是工程项目,一个新产品往往带动一个工程项目的技术发展,我国航空科技工业介入工程项目,正是为了充分发挥航空技术的优势,管理优势以及生产、服务等综合能力。我们把这种项目称为高技术工程项目(以下简称工程项目)。工程项目因其性质不同,要求不同,因此在完成的规模和配套关系上均有较大差异,在市场中所表现的特征也各不相同,但其固有的工程项目属性仍然不变。工程项目的诸多特殊性决定了其营销策略有别于普通产品在市场运作中所具有的规律。因此,对工程项目的营销必须进行深入研究,探求其在各个环节科学的营销方法,从而采取针对性营销策略。本文将根据中国航空工业西安飞机设计研究所在工程项目上的营销经验对上述问题进行论述。 本文对环境市场机会、潜在市场机会、边缘市场机会对工程项目的重要性进行了论述,认为环境机会是工程项目的主要市场机会,但工程项目也同时应对潜在市场机会和边缘市场机会进行充分研究,增强企业总体的市场机会,同时应处理好局部市场与全面市场的关系。结合本单位的实际营销活动,本文对工程项目的市场机会分析进行了论述,强调了工程项目在公开性和时间性特征上的突出性,指出工程项目市场分析中应将产品模式与企业营销目标统一的项目作为重点项目,切勿全面出击。 本文指出了工程项目应充分发挥主干渠道的作用,对分销渠道,应根据不同情况采用不同的形式发挥其积极作用。在促销研究中,本文对工程项目如何进行广告和如何开展营业推广进行了论述,提出宣传报道在一定的情况下更能发挥促销作用,而在营业推广中应加强前期的技术宣传与推广。 本文通过对目前国内工程项目的定价、报价、结算方式的分析,提出了几种可在高科技工程性项目中采用的定价策略。对工程项目后期结算中可能出现的问题进行了分析,并结合本单位在项目定价与结算的经验,提出了应对措施。

【Abstract】 Wth the development of science and technology, more and more product which havebeen made by the high-tech method enter for the general market. The speed Which developed. raPidly is far from our imagine .The high-tech products is multiple used in many fields, such \as the engineering prOject. A new product always leads an engineering project. Advancedaviation industry can take fiJll advanage of its technology, administration, service and otherabilities. Though scale and configtiration differs according to the different requirement ofpurchasers, the attribute of different projects is same. We call these projects high-techengineering projects (It is called engineering project in the following article). The particularityof each project leads to different market strategy compared to common products. Thus specialresearch must be held fOr every aspects of its market plan. This article discusses relatedproblems based on the sale experience of Xi’an Aircraft Design and Research Institute.The importance of outer market opportunity, implicit market opportunity and edgemarket opportunity on project are researched. Meanwhile, the outer market opportunity isconsidered as the main opportunity in project. On the other hand, we should make sufficient’study on implicit and edge market to increase the whole market opportunity. How to managethe relationship between local market and global market is also studied. After the marketopportunity analysis of our company, the properties of market opening and emergency of timerequired have been emphasized. After that, a new point is brought ollt that the combination ofproduct characters and enterprise’s marketing goal is the most impoftant thing.Making full use of the main channel of selling and combining with other types of sellingmethods is discussed, how to promote and enlarge the market and the former technology showmust be strengthened in marketing as well.The methods of bid, accounting in domestic market and several skills in bidding areanalyzed, the potential problems aroused in later accoun and how to deal with them are.discussed, too.

  • 【分类号】F284
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】168

