

AGV Master System Design and Development

【作者】 张智勇

【导师】 刘卫东; 李涛;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 电子与信息工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 自动导向车(AGV)地面系统是根据接收到的物料搬运任务,合理调度车辆,在智能交通管理控制下,沿规定的路线自动高效地完成物料搬运任务,并及时调度小车自动充电的自动控制系统。针对AGV地面系统应用的复杂性,以往对具体应用项目进行设计的方法,存在系统适用性不强,项目实施周期长,很难形成产品化等问题,为此,本文通过对国内外软件体系结构及进口引进AGV系统的研究,充分利用面向对象技术,建立了一个能满足各种应用要求的AGV地面系统,取得主要研究成果有: (1)提出了建立在软件平台思想上,将系统按运行平台和开发平台划分,支持AGV系统规划、仿真、控制和诊断集成的AGV整体解决方案的体系结构,以满足各种AGV系统应用需求。设计了包含AGV地面控制系统、地面图形监控系统、车载系统、仿真系统的AGV运行平台和包含系统规划工具、地面程序定义工具、车载程序定义工具的AGV开发平台的功能模型。 (2)提出了基于软件分层技术、模型-视图分离技术、消息总线技术及分布式技术的AGV地面运行平台体系结构。利用软件分层技术将系统分为界面表示层、领域对象层、服务层及数据存储层有利于系统的开发和部署。利用模型-视图分离技术设计了用户界面表示层对象和领域层对象间的交互方式,极大提高了领域对象的可重用性。设计了基于订阅-发布设计模式的消息总线,用于领域层中对象的交互,使系统有了很好的扩展性。设计了基于代理设计模式的分布式模型结构,很好地解决了如何将系统部署在不同计算单元。 (3)使用UML作为建摸语言,设计了各个系统的软件结构,采用类结构设计建立了系统静态结构模型,采用对象交互设计方法建立了系统动态结构模型,详细阐述了任务管理、车辆管理、交通管理、IO管理、通信管理、车辆仿真、路径管理、图形监视等子系统的结构和原理。 (4)提出了基于遗传算法求解的AGV线路调度方法。针对车辆调度的调度效率问题,建立了将任务调度和车辆调度相结合的数学模型,采用遗传算法对模型进行求解,验证了遗传算法是一种有效的AGV线路调度算法。 结合本公司AGV系统的开发实践,结果表明本文对AGV地面系统设计思路及方法是正确的、可靠的,它不仅在AGV系统设计中具有重大的实用价值,而且对设计各类智能搬运设备的调度监控系统也有广泛的应用前景。

【Abstract】 A(iV Master system is an auto--contro1 system dimed to di spatch thc ciIrr l crsacc()rding to the conveying task, to fulfill the task efficiently along ther()ut e under inte1lectual ized traffic management, and schedule the c%lrri ersfor auto--charging. To cover the shortages as 1ow flexibi l ity, long imp l eInc’n[tcrfn, di fficult commercial ization, an AGV Master contro1 system thdt ckln beappl ied in varies condit ion is establ ished adopt ing ()hjccl --()ri en[ L.(ltechnoIogy after studying the software frameworks and AGV systems ()1’ ()t hurcomPany. Main achievements in this thesi s are as fo1l ows f(l ) A tota1 solut ion framework is put forward based on s()l’twtlre p1 i1t f’()rmprl nc ipl e. Thi s frame, which involves perf()rm platform and develop P l ilt I’()rm,Supr)orts system 1ayout, s imu1ate, control and diagnose. A 1’unct i()na l ll1()du Iis established, in which the perform platform includes AGV milster c()nt r()lsystem, mdster moni tor system, carrier control system and s imu 1 at i ng systt’l1l.*rhe deve lopping p1atform inc1udes system layout uti l ity, mdster nr()griln1del’ini t ion uti l ity and vehic1e program defini t ion uti l ity.(2) The AGV perform platform structure 1s estab1 ished on the bi1sls ()I’software layering technology, model--view separate technology, messdge bustechnol ogy and di str ibuted techno l ogy. The system i s sepdrdted i nto represunt1ilyer, fi eld ohject layer, service layer and data st()rage ld}cr. l t isc()nveni cnt to deve1op and organi ze. An a] ternat ion mode betwoen l nt ert’iI()ttIilyer and fie1 d object layer is designed on mode1--v iew separdt e techno1 ()g}’,in which re--use of field object is highly improved. A message bus bi1sed onorder--issue model is designed for object alternation in fi eld layer, whi chgi ves the system good expansibi l ity. A distributing model i s desi gnc(l ()nilgc’nt--de’s ign mode so the system can be organized in d i fferent c()InpLltc un l [ s.(3 ) The system software is designed in UML model ing 1anguage. ’l’he syst emstLl1 i c model is designed in category structure, and dynamic model is designcdin ()bject a1ternating structure- Thi s thesis also states the subsysl emst ruc ture and pr inc iple of task mandger, cdrrier manager, traffic lnilni:tgt.I-,I () lllilnager, communlcat ion manager, dnd path mandger i n cle1i[ i l s. ’l.heS l llltl l il t l ng tlnd mon i t()ring suhsys tem are tlI so presented.II(4 ) An AGV dispatching technique is put forward based on genet iciiIg()ri thms. A matbemat ic model combi ni ng task manager and carri er mdnklgerl s establ ished to improve the di spatching efficiency. A rckI l ll1()dc lca1 cu ldt ing val idates that genetic algori thm is dn et’fect ive meth()d l’()r A(i\/d i s pkl t c h i ng.Combinat ing the development practice of A(;V in my comDany, resuitrchresults show the design and technique for AGV master system in this thesi si s correct and dependab1e. It not only have great practi cal val ue in A(;V syst omdes ign, but a1so have vast appl icat ion perspect ive in designi ng the di spilt c,hm()n itor ing system of intel1 igence carry equiprnent.

  • 【分类号】TP242
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