

Greem Ward Building

【作者】 杨真静

【导师】 李必瑜;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 绿色建筑是当今建筑发展的趋势,各国的建筑师都在探讨如何将绿色技术运用到建筑中。现在的病房楼建筑由于能量消耗巨大,环境污染严重,缺乏对病人的关怀,已不适于当今建筑发展的主题。本文在国内外诸多绿色建筑理论的基础上,结合医疗建筑本身所具有的特色,提出了绿色病房楼是未来病房楼的发展方向,认为绿色病房楼是技术与情感的结合。本文认为绿色病房楼的构建要分成两个层面。一方面运用绿色技术和新型材料,将充沛的昼光照明、清新洁净的室内空气、与自然共生的物理环境与传统的设计加以结合,达到节能、高效、功能完善。另一方面,考虑服务对象的特殊性——不正常或者不健康的人群,从关注病人情感,实现以病人为中心出发,建立家庭化、艺术化的室内外环境,寻求在建筑空间和室内外细部作富人情味的柔化处理以平衡高技术带来的负面效果,使病房楼变得更加迎合病人的情感需要。最后本文简要探讨了绿色病房楼的评价体系,构建了绿色病房楼的评价框架。

【Abstract】 Green architecture is the developing tendency of architecture, and architects of all nations are researching into how to apply green technology to buildings. At the present, ward building is not consistent the topic of development of architecture because of large amount of energy consumption, serious pollution to environment and unconcern for patients. Therefore, based on a few theories on green architecture, "green ward building" is put forward in this paper as futural ward mode which associates technology with emotion.The paper thinks that the constructions of green ward building consider two aspects. On the one hand, it combines the traditional ward design with new design principal including affluent sunlight, fresh indoor air, and physical environment harmonious with nature in order to save energy, increase efficiency and perfect function by using green technology and new materials, on the other hand, on the standpoint of caring for patient’s emotion and thinking of patient as center because of the speciality of serviced people (abnormal and unhealthy group), it sets up family and artistic environment and seek for humanizing detail process to space, interior and exterior which eliminate negative effect from high-tech to meet patient’s emotional need. At last, the paper briefly discusses the system of appraisal of green ward building and brings forward a framework of appraisal.

【关键词】 绿色病房楼技术情感评价
【Key words】 greenward buildingtechnologyemotionappraisal
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU246.11
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】396

