

Product Drawing Management System Based on Group Technology

【作者】 唐薇

【导师】 任光胜;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 机械工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 由于计算机技术的不断发展和广泛应用,计算机辅助设计的方法越来越多地被利用在产品的开发工作中。工程图纸作为一种重要的工程文件,被广泛应用于工业生产和科研开发中,并且随着生产和开发工作的延续,工程图纸的数量将不断地增加。如何对大量的图纸进行迅速而有效地检索以及妥善的保存和管理就成为企业面临的一个迫切需要解决的问题。本文根据西南铝业(集团)有限责任公司挤压厂在进行产品开发和图纸管理工作中出现的问题,在对大量挤压铝型材产品图纸进行统计分析的基础上,依据成组技术的基本原理,开发的能对图纸进行有效管理,对现有产品图纸进行迅速检索,并可对图纸进行修改、存储、输出的集工程图纸管理和计算机辅助产品开发设计于一体的挤压铝型材产品图纸分类编码系统和图纸管理系统。 本文提出的分类编码系统实现了挤压铝型材的柔性编码和计算机隐性编码,增加了系统的柔性和可扩充性,使本系统的使用更加方便和通用。该系统规范了型材图纸的设计,提高了型材图纸的检索效率,对型材的相关信息进行了的效的管理,良好地解决了铝型材图纸检索和管理的问题;同时,作为一个计算机辅助产品设计系统,利用该系统的分类检索功能和图纸支撑软件的图形编码功能,使产品的开发设计具有良好的继承性。 该系统将成组技术的分类编码原理和计算机辅助设计技术应用于挤压铝型材的产品开发设计和产品图纸的管理中,不仅可以极大地提高产品设计质量、缩短产品开发周期,还可以减少重复绘图工作及规范制图方法;同时,利用计算机存储空间大、运行速度快的优点,可实现对已有产品图纸的集中管理和快速检索。利用计算机辅助产品开发,不仅能以高质量、低成本的产品迅速满足市场需求,还可为工厂进一步实施计算机应用工程(如后续生产管理等)奠定良好的基础。 本文的研究成果在挤压厂得到初步应用,获得良好的应用效果,显示出广泛的应用前景和实用价值。

【Abstract】 W the develoPmen and wide1y used of the cOmPuter tedrilogy the CAD hasbeen more and mor used in the Process of designing product. Engineering toing, as akind of boortan prOject fi1es, has been widely aPPlied in PrOduction and technlogydeveloPmen. Because of the continually aPPearance of the new products the Innner ofthe engineerin draWings will greaily increase. As a reSult, it has become a badly neededtO be solved PrOblem for us that how to raPidly and effidentiy search and aPPropriatelypreserve and manage the drawings. In order to reso1ve the Problems about productexPloitahon and drawing manageInot existed in EXbosion Embranchmot Fatory ofSoHest AlUInnuxn (grouP) Ltrited Liability Corp and accordng to the GT (grouPtedrilogy, we deve1oped a c1assifong-coding systern and drawing managemen systemabout the extuion aluminUIn-boe materials through analyZing a 1arge nUIner ofexmision alndnum-tyPe materials section drawings. By aPplytng thes syStem, we areable to manage the drbongs efficientiy and search the already existed drbongs raPid1yIn a word, this system combined the modem cOInPUeraided product desighngtedrilogy with tradhonal method of managing draWings favorablyThe classiheng and coding system has realized the flexib1e coding and hiddencoding of the extruSion aluminUmmpe materials and consequenhy enhanced theflexfoility and the exPansible of the system witch makes this syStem more whversal andeasi1y to be used. In addtion, thes system tudardized the design of drawings, increasedthe effidency of searching and managing the re1ative informallon. AJl those drictionssuPp1ied by thes system help us resolve the Problern of managing aluxninUIn tyPematerials drawings. At the sazne hme, it makes the exPloitation and design ofproduc hasbetter inherit by utilising the functions of coding based on the software.As thes systern aPP1ied the classiforg and coding Prinop1e based on GT and CADtedm1ogy in design and managernen of drawings Which not only enhance the designquality of Product, shorten the development pedod but also decrease the ropeaed drawingwork and hanMe the method of protract drwings. Because of the huge memoryspace and raPd calculation speed that comPUer possesses, we can manage the ekisteddrawingS central1y and search them raPidiy In conClusion, the high quality and low PriceProduct wtth the helP of aPplytng the CAD technology will not only satisfy therequiremen of the market but also help factOry amer aPPly the compeer technology inthe process of Production (for examPle, haher PrOduction managemen0We has aPplied thes systetn in Extuion Embranchmen FaCtory and obtainedfavorable effeCt wich reveds tha thes system has widely aPPlytng prosPect and uti1ityvalue.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【下载频次】91

