

Research on the BOT Mode in Western China Infrastructure Building for Private Firms

【作者】 陈尽忠

【导师】 赵骅; 龙勇;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国加入世界贸易组织和我国西部大开发政策的实施,我国西部地区的发展有着美好的前景。但是,西部地区的基础建设是非常落后的,这已经成为了西部大开发的瓶颈。如何改善基础建设水平是西部开发的重要课题。西部地区基础建设原来大多数是国家投资的,资金非常有限,最近几年出现了外商直接投资的BOT模式,这为西部地区的基础建设起到了促进作用。但是,我国西部地区采用外商直接投资的BOT融资模式还存在着不少的困难,这样就出现了民营企业参与的BOT基础建设项目融资模式。民营企业参与西部地区基础建设的BOT模式是非常重要的探索,而对于民营企业如何参与西部地区基础建设的BOT模式、如何规避风险的研究从理论上和实践上都具有重要的意义。 本文首先论述了西部民营企业采用BOT模式参与基础建设的重要意义;其次,本文系统的论述了BOT的基础理论和BOT模式在我国的发展、特点和问题;再次,本文提出了我国民营企业参与西部基础建设BOT模式中的战略定位、投资结构和程序,然后对重庆恒坤交通能源有限公司运营四川岷江姜射坝水电站项目的情况进行了分析;最后,本文对民营企业如何防范项目融资过程的风险、如何进行风险管理以及具体的风险防范措施进行了进一步的探讨。 本文对民营企业参与到西部地区基础建设的BOT模式的探讨,对促进我国西部地区的基础建设在理论和实践上都具有非常重要的意义。

【Abstract】 It is very impota for the development of Westem China that our counny havebecome a member of WTO and the Westem China Development Policy have beenbring into effect. However, the deastrUctUre of Westem China has become thebottleneck of Westem China Development. It has been an imPOrtan problem forWestem China that how to driprove the infratctufC. In the old tirne, theinfrastructUre building depends on the govemrnent caPital. In the several years, theBOT mode of fOreign direct finance has aPPeared. At the same tirne this mode havesome problems in operation, so it drown on the BOT mode of private enterprises. Itis an importan exploration that private Firms enter the field of infrasAnctUre buildingby the way of BOT in Westem China. So the research on the problem of how to takepart in the BOT mode and how to avoid risk of private firms is very driPOrtan intheory and in practice.At first, this paPer discusses the imPOrtance of private firms taking part in theinLfrastrUctUre building by the Way of BOT in Westem China. Secondly, thefOundation theory of BOT and the problem that BOT in China have been introduced.Thirdly, the Straegic position, caPital contrie and oPeration mode of private firmswhen they take part in the BOT mode in Western China are put uP with, and by usingthis mode, Mindiang Jiangsheba hydroPOwer station project Which oPeration byHengkong corporation is analyzed. At last, the risk management and risk avoidmeasure are bring forwar fOr private firms When they take part in the BOT mode inWestem China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】F276.5
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】228

