

Experimental Study of Carbon-fiber Composite Reinforced Concrete Beams

【作者】 牛松山

【导师】 张俊乾;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 固体力学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 碳纤维加固是一项有效的混凝土结构修复加固技术。本文的第一部分基于断裂力学与梁的基本理论,对碳纤维加固混凝土梁的粘结胶层以及粘结界面的剪应力分布进行了理论分析,得出了其理论解析解;讨论了碳纤维板的粘结长度、粘结厚度和粘结胶层的抗剪模量对界面剪应力分布的影响。本文的理论分析结果可以表明:增加碳纤维板的粘结长度可以缓解碳纤维板端部界面上的剪应力集中,改善混凝土梁结构的加固效果;增大碳纤维板的粘结厚度可以增大界面上的剪应力,改善混凝土梁上载荷向碳纤维板的传递效果,有利于充分发挥碳纤维布的潜能;如果粘结胶层的抗剪模量过大会加剧剪应力的集中,从而对碳纤维加固的效果不利。本文的主体部分对碳纤维加固带初裂纹的混凝土梁进行了试验研究。试验考察了碳纤维布粘结长度以及粘贴方式对加固后混凝土梁极限承载力的影响。从试验的结果来看,碳纤维的粘结长度增加对混凝土梁的加固效果的影响十分明显:当碳纤维粘结长度为100mm时,混凝土加固梁的极限承载力一般为未加固混凝土梁的1.81-2.27倍;而当碳纤维粘结长度为200mm和300mm时,混凝土加固梁的极限承载力则分别为未加固梁的3.35-3.97倍和3.61-5.76倍。相比之下,改善碳纤维板的粘结方式,即采用粘结双层碳纤维布和在单层碳纤维布的基础上粘结U形包头的影响要小一些:采用双层碳纤维布加固比单层碳纤维布加固时的极限承载力提高了8.5%-11.3%;采用包头形式加固比单层碳纤维布加固的极限承载力提高了4.7%-18%。另外试验还对裂纹深度对加固效果的影响进行了分析,结果表明:不论采用什么样的粘结方式加固,裂纹深度越大,则加固的效果就越明显。另一方面,本文还根据试验中观察到的现象和混凝土梁的最终破坏形式,对碳纤维加固混凝土梁的破坏模式和裂纹的发展过程进行了研究。在试验中,碳纤维加固混凝土梁的破坏模式有三种:剪切破坏I、剪切破坏II和分层破坏。剪切破坏I是由于在碳纤维板端部混凝土的剪应力峰值超过其剪切强度产生剪切裂纹,剪切裂纹沿着与混凝土梁轴线成约45度角的方向扩展最终导致混凝土梁破坏。本试验中它一般发生在碳纤维板粘结长度为200mm的情况下。剪切破坏II则是在剪切裂纹发展的过程中与扩展后的初裂纹相贯穿,从而导致混凝土梁破坏。此种破坏在碳纤维板粘结长度为100mm时发生的可能性很大。在分层破坏时初裂纹随载荷一直发展,碳纤维布逐渐脱落,最后初裂纹失稳发展导致试件破坏。

【Abstract】 Epoxy-bonding a carbon-fiber composite plate to the tension face of concrete beam is an effective technique for repair and retrofit of concrete beams. In the first part of this paper, based on the fracture mechanics and the theory of beam, a theoretic model is proposed to analyze the shear stress in the adhesive between carbon-fiber composite and concrete. And then the closure-form solution for the shear stress distribution is drawn. At different value of the main parameters that govern the shear stress distribution such as CFP adhesive length, CFP thickness and the anti-shear modulus of adhesive, the distribution of shear stress is studied. This leads to an easy understanding of the influence of some geometrical and material parameters. The following principles are proved: Increasing CFP adhesive length will release the concentrating of shear stress near the cutoff point, this will lead to the increment of loading-bear capacity of concrete beams; Increasing the thickness of CFP will improve the transition of load from concrete beam to CFP, this is useful to exert the potential of CFP; In creasing the anti-shear modulus of adhesive will result enhance the concentrating of shear stress, this is harmful to the effect of CFP reinforced concrete beams.The main body of this paper focuses on experimental research of CFP reinforced concrete beams. The experiment highlights the effect of CFP length and the adhesive mode of CFP on the loading-bear capacity of CFP reinforced beams. From the results, it is obvious that when the CFP adhesive length increases, the loading-bear capacity increase too. When the CFP length is 10mm, the loading-bear capacity is 1.81-2.27 times as much as the value of non-reinforced beam; And when the CFP length increase to 200mm and 350mm, the loading-bear capacity increase to 3.35-3.97 times and 3.61-5.76 times as much as the value of non-reinforced beam. By contrast, the effect of improving the adhesive mode of CFP, that is to say, epoxy-bonding double carbon-fiber composite plates or epoxy-bonding U shape CFP anchorage is less notable. The loading-bear capacity of double CFP reinforced concrete beams is 8.5-11.3 percent higher than that of the single CFP reinforced concrete beams; the loading-bear capacity of epoxy-boding U shape CFP anchorage reinforced beams is 4.7-18 percent higher than that of the single CFP reinforced beams. Additionally, the experiment also studies the effect of crack depth on reinforced concrete beams. The result indicates: whatever adhesive mode is taken, it is true that the deeper the crack is, the more notable the effect is. <WP=6>What’s more, this paper studied the failure mode of CFP reinforced concrete beams and the process of the crack’s extending based on the phenomenon that were observed in the experiment and the ultimate failure form of samples. There are three kind of failure mode of the CFP reinforced concrete beams: shear failure mode I, shear failure mode II and debonding failure mode. The cause of shear failure mode I is that the shear stress peak exceed the shear strength of concrete, so the shear crack formed and extended along the direction of angle of 45o to the longitude of the concrete beam. The extending of this shear crack leads to failure of samples. This mode appears in the case that the CFP length is 200mm. if during the shear crack’s extending it run through the original crack which is locate on the middle of the beam, so from then on the original crack will extend quickly and this will lead to the failure of the samples. This is the failure mode II. It always appears when the CFP length is 100mm. The debonding failure mode is that during the loading process, the original crack extends and leads to the debonding of the CFP and the failure of the samples. This mode appears in the case that the CFP is 350mm.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU375.1
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】383

