

Implementation of HSIC Control System for Middling and Small Coal Boiler

【作者】 何光宏

【导师】 李祖枢;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 模式识别与智能系统, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是当今世界燃煤锅炉生产和使用最多的国家, 近几年,随着人们环保意识的不断加强, 很多地方政府都相继开展了“清洁能源”活动,对燃煤锅炉不同程度地进行了煤改油/气技术改造。但是,由于油气锅炉的运行成本较高,目前燃煤锅炉的煤改气工程,还仅仅限于小型煤炉,大量的容量在10t/h到35t/h之间的中小型燃煤锅炉仍在运行。因此,应用先进的控制理论,对这些中小型锅炉进行有效的控制,对于提高它们的热效率,降低耗煤量和环境污染具有一定的现实意义。本文在重庆龙运公司多年锅炉控制的理论研究和实践经验的基础上,利用仿人智能控制理论,采用面向对象编程技术,针对中小型链条炉,开发出了一套用于燃煤锅炉控制的基于工控机的智能控制系统。该系统具有控制、显示、打印、报警、连锁及数据存储和查询等功能。既可以灵活地进行硬件配置,又可以方便地进行系统扩展。锅炉的控制系统包括水位控制、蒸汽过热控制、燃烧控制以及顺序控制等系统。同油气锅炉相比,燃煤锅炉控制的难度在于燃烧控制,由于燃煤锅炉的给煤量难以准确测量,同时,不同的煤种,其发热量相差较大,即使对于同一种燃煤,其发热量随煤质的不同也有差异。因此很难准确地计算出即时的燃料发热量。这些因素给煤炉燃烧系统的控制带来了较大的难度。本文利用仿人智能控制理论的多模态思想,参考国内外有关资料,对锅炉的燃烧控制进行了仿人智能控制的研究,并给出了仿真结果,基本上取得了预期的效果。

【Abstract】 In our country, many coal boilers are made and used each year .In recent years, with the awareness of environment protection becoming stronger and stronger, many local governments have been carrying out the work named "clean energy" , so , many coal boilers were transformed into oil or gas boilers in some degrees. But , because of the running cost of oil or gas boiler is higher than coal boiler , it was only small coal boiler which was transformed into oil or gas boiler at present , many middling and small coal boilers whose capacity are between 10 and 35 t/h is still running .It can improve their thermal efficiency and cut down the consume of coal and pollution to apply the advanced theory to the controll of these coal boilers.In this thesis , using the theoretical research and practical experience about boiler control of Lonfort company , we apply the Human Simulating Intelligent Control (HSIC) arithmetic , adopt the Object-Oriented Methodology, development an intelligent control system for middling and small coal boilers . This control system bases on industrial PC ,it has the functions such as controlling、displaying、printing、alerting、interlock、recording and inquiring and so on .It can be constructed conveniently in hardware and improved in software.The boiler control system includes water level control、overhear steam control、combustion control and so on..Compared with oil and gas boiler, the difficulty of coal boiler control is combustion control. The quantity of coal can not be exactly measured, moreover , the calorific capacity is different for different type of coal . So,it is difficult to exactly calculate the quantity of heat of coal. These factors bring about difficulty for combustion control of coal boiler. In this thesis, we research the combustion control of coal boiler using the HSIC arithmetica,and give the emulation result.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 01期
  • 【分类号】TP273.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】254

