

Protection and Alteration of Earth Architecture System Streets in Xinjiang--Example for Kashi

【作者】 高翔

【导师】 张兴国;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 新疆生土建筑体系受到东西方文化的影响,有着基于本地域自然与人文的传统建筑文化形态,随东西方文化交流而经略此地域的各种文化、宗教和艺术,与当地传统相结合,形成了多元共存的状态。 生土建筑体系街区和城市顺应当地的地理环境和气候特点,院落空间有序而精妙,色彩朴素而又不乏绚丽,在民族传统特色与伊斯兰文化背景的融合发展之中,创造了一种既封闭又开放的淳朴祥和的人化自然,是人类城市文明的发展的一个重要组成部分。 21世纪,我国将进入城市化的中期加速发展阶段、迎来宏伟的“西部大开发”世纪工程,生土建筑体系街区在迅猛的城市化进程中如何生长发展将是关系我国经济社会发展的一个重大问题,同时也是我国规划和建设的一个重大课题。本文为此对城市化进程中生土建筑体系街区的保护和发展进行一些探索与研究,具有重大的现实意义和理论价值。 长期以来,生土建筑体系贴近生活,与自然环境和谐相处。随着人类社会的飞速发展,人类改造自然的能力得到空前的提高,环境的面貌也发生了巨大的变化。聚居地的建设改变了原有自然环境格局,人类社会对自然环境的索取和破坏超过了自然环境所能承载的极限,由此产生了一系列环境问题,如环境污染、水土流失等等,恶化了生土建筑体系所依存和共生的环境。另一方面,发展建设中一些疏忽和失误,带了了传统街区风貌特色的丧失,以及人文和建筑文化的没落,面临着重重危机与挑战。 本文从生土建筑体系的自然环境与人文包括其意识形态等因素入手,建构了系统和整体的研究框架和体系,揭示其存在的价值和演化发展机制,从历史沿革、形态与类型、空间意境、文化艺术等方面进行论述与分析,针对存在的矛盾和问题,思索和探讨了其发展模式及其相应的各方面的措施与对策。

【Abstract】 Affected by cultures of west and east , the system of earth architecture creates a cultural form of traditional architecture on local nature and humanity. During the communion of west and east culture , all kind of cultures , religions and arts combine with local traditions , and then coexist in a multitude style.With the integrated development of traditional civil style and its Islam cultural background, streets and cities of earth architecture system create an unsophisticated and quiet humanized nature, which blends enclosure and openness at the same time, in accordance to the local geographical and climatic environment. It demonstrates a spatial order with elegance while the plain color shows no less of brightness. It plays an important rile in the development of whole mankind city civilization.In the 21th century, our country will go into the intermediate accelerating development stage, and it has greeted the magnificent century project, "Western Development" . How to grow and develop is a serious problem about the rapid urbanization progress in the extensive streets of earth architecture system, and it relates to the economic development of our country. Moreover, it is an important task of the urban plan and construction in our country. This paper has some probes and researches of the urbanization progress about the protection and development of streets of earth architecture system. It has some realistic meaning and important theoretical value.For a long period, the system of earth architecture is close to human life and gets along certainly harmonious with the natural environment in the level . In the modem times, Industrial Revolution drives speedily developing of mankind society , the ability that mankind transforming the nature get raising of unprecedented , and the appearance of human settlements in region has also occurred the huge change . The construction has changed original natural environment pattern , and has occupied ruling the position . But mankind society asking for and destruction to the natural environment has surpassed the limit that the natural environment can bear , and has given rise to a series of environment problems , like pollution of the environment and soil erosion etc. These problems make the environment be faced with stem challenge . On the other hand, negligence and error in construction destroy the feature of traditional streets, get down the culture of it and bring a lot of crises and challenges to it.Constructing a systemic and holistic frame of study, the author tries to reveal the human settlement existing value and the inner culture system with the analysis of the elements of the nature and the humanities. Then to promulgate it from its history evolution, morphology and typeology, space making and etc. Aiming at existing contradictions and problems, the author tried and probed into the development model of the mountain cities and the relative countermeasures of the plan construction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU984.114
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】518

