

The Theoretical Research of Moire Fiber Grating Used in OWDM Systems

【作者】 刘勇

【导师】 叶志清;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 理论物理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现代社会信息量的剧增,光通信技术取得的迅猛发展,人们开始致力于充分开发光纤的带宽优势,光波分复用(WDM)技术应运而生。光波分复用系统的建设需要大量性能优良的光有源器件和光无源器件,以保证多个波长的光信号同时在一根光纤上传输时相互独立,光信号的交换、复用和分用等功能以光的方式处理。摩尔光纤光栅是一种新型光无源器件。由于其表现出的特殊性能,它能用于光波分复用系统,实现全光操作,应用前景巨大。本文运用分析光纤光栅特性的一般方法,从理论上研究摩尔光纤光栅的参数对其特性的影响,获得了一些有益的结论,以便指导设计符合光波分复用技术要求的产品。全文概括如下: 1)从常用的制作方法出发,简单介绍了光纤光敏性和成栅光源,重点分析掩模板的衍射场,从而获得理想情况下光纤光栅的折射率分布函数,参考已投论文[4]。 2)详细推导用于分析光纤光栅特性的耦合模方程,重点对两种解耦合模方程的方法进行比较:龙格-库塔法和传输矩阵法。从比较结果可知传输矩阵法能快捷地获得摩尔光纤光栅的特性,参考已发论文[1-2]。 3)从摩尔光纤光栅的理论模型出发,分别讨论啁啾摩尔光纤光栅和由两中心波长不同的均匀光栅构成的摩尔光纤光栅的各参数对其特性的影响,对比这两种摩尔光纤光栅的特性,发现啁啾摩尔光纤光栅更适合光波分复用系统的要求,参考待发论文[3]。

【Abstract】 With the abrupt increase of the information and the rapid development of optical communication technique,it’ s necessary to make full use of the broad-bandwidth advantage of the fibers. Then,optical Wavelength-division- multiplexing (WDM) has been brought out. In the OWDM systems,there are a lot of active components and passive components with excellent characteristics,which make multiple optical signals transmit simultaneously without interaction in the same fiber and perform its function by the light,such as optical signal interchange multiplexing/demultiplexing etc . Moire fiber grating (MFC) is a new kind of passive components. Because of its especial features,it can be used in OWDM systems,operated in all light,and is considered promising. In the paper,the general method analyzing the characteristics of fiber grating has been used to research the effect of the MFC parameters on its character,some good results gotten.It’ s very useful for them to design practical product to suit the needs of OWDM systems. The main parts are as follows:1) At the base of the fabrication methods,the photosensitivity of optical fiber and the UV laser sources are introduced simply,the diffraction characteristics of phase mask are analyzed to get the distribution of refractive index in fiber grating,referent the paper[4] (delivered).2) The coupled-mode equation analyzing the characteristics of fiber grating is deduced step by step. Two methods-the transfer matrix metod and the Runge-Kuttar method are compared,which are often used to solve the coupled-mode equation. The analysis in this paper demonstrates the power of the transfer matrix method,which can get the features of aperiode fiber grating fastly,referent the papers[1-2](published).3) In terms of the theoretical mode of MFC,the effect of MFC parameters on its features-chirped Moire fiber grating and Moire fiber grating formed by two uniform fiber grating with different central wavelengths,is discussed individually. By comparison between the two kinds of MFC,chirped Moire fiber grating is better for OWDM,referent the paper[3] (to be published).

  • 【分类号】TN253
  • 【下载频次】119

