

Modern Annotation on the Confucianists’ Learning-Model in the Song Dynasty

【作者】 李雪飞

【导师】 胡青;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文归纳了宋儒具有代表性的六种学习方式,即:读书山林、陶冶情操;学圣志道、崇尚高远;居敬主一、着紧用力;自学为主、师友砥砺;精思质疑、创新自得;明体达用、笃实尚行。并尝试从现代教育学与心理学理论视野对之进行讨论,认为这些学习方式与现代教育理论有吻合之处,存在合理因素。同时,本文还从知识传媒的变更、思想束缚的松弛、科举制的刺激、道德完善的追求与人才观念的改变等方面分析了宋儒学习方式形成的文化动因,并由此探讨了宋儒学习方式对今天的借鉴。

【Abstract】 The article concludes six kinds of representative Confucianist’s learning-mode in the Song dynasty, namely, reading in mountain forest, edifying sentiments; learning doctrine from sages, subliming the profound ; concentrating completely on study, exerting oneself; learning primary by oneself , interchanging in betweens; pondering carefully while querying, innovating while having a style of one’s own; and studying in order to apply it, carrying it out sincerely. It is a trial to discuss them by the theories in pedagogics and psychology, deeming there are tallies between these learning-mode and the theories in modern education and that they have some rational factors. Simultaneously , this article analyses the cultural causation of the formation ofConfuscianists’ learning-mode in the Song dynasty, from theseveral facets of the changing in knowledge disseminator, the loosing of bondage in idea, the stimulating from imperial examination, the persuing for perfect morality and the alteration of notion on person with ability, leading to the discussion about the value of using for reference nowdays.

  • 【分类号】G529
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】124

