

The Configuration Platform Development of Management Information System

【作者】 崔晓松

【导师】 蒋波;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从分析管理信息系统的开发方法出发,详细论述了各种开发方法的优点及其存在的不足,指出传统的管理信息系统的开发方法已经不能适应信息技术发展的要求。为了解决管理信息系统中不断变化的用户需求与传统开发方法不能适应这种需求变化之间的矛盾,引入了组态与组态平台的概念,并对之作了详细的论述。在此基础上,提出了管理信息系统开发的一种新手段——组态平台开发技术。 作为组态平台的设计与实现的环节,本文就组态平台的构成以及实现过程中所使用的重点技术——文件上传、组件注册、模板的应用、工程文件以及数据表操作的容错处理等内容进行了深入的分析与研究。同时,就开发组态平台过程中采用的组件对象模型(COM)技术、组件化程序设计思想及其应用、Windows DNA等内容也进行了较为详尽的论述。为了加深对组态平台的理解,本文还结合校务管理信息系统的开发,详细论述了使用组态平台开发工具开发校务管理信息系统的要点及其全过程。作为一门新的技术,本文对组态平台技术发展过程中应该进一步考虑的问题,也作了深入的探讨。 本文论述的组态平台是为企事业单位开发管理信息系统提供的一种工具软件。通过使用该工具软件,那些非计算机专业的企事业管理人员可以不必去精通Power Builder、Visual Basic、Visual C++之类的开发工具便可方便地开发出适合自身业务特点的管理信息系统。该平台弥补了现有管理信息系统开发手段的一些不足,使得各个企事业部门开发具有个性化管理风格的管理信息系统成为可能。

【Abstract】 This thesis starts with analyzing the development methods of Management Information System (MIS) and discourses their merits and shortcomings in detail. Then it points that the traditional MIS development methods have not adapted the developing needs of Information Technology(IT). In order to resolve the conflict between the changing user’s requests and the traditional methods not adapting them,the thesis introduces the concepts of configuration and configuration platform. After that,it introduces the new method of developing MIS--configuration platform development.As a part of configuration platform’s design and performance,the thesis discourses its composition and some important technologies such as file upload,component register,template’s application and project file. At the same time,as far as COM,Windows DNA,OOP is concerned,the thesis also discusses them in detail. In order to deepen reader’s understanding,the thesis takes the development of a campus MIS as an example and explains how to use the configuration platform. As a new technology,the thesis also discusses the configuration platform’s development in the future.The configuration platform concerned in this thesis is a kind of tool software which is used to develop MIS for many enterprises. For those non-computer people,they must not master these tools such as Power Builder,Visual Basic,Visual C++ to develop MIS gearing to themselves. The platform makes up with the shortcoming of now MIS development means and makes it available to develop MIS with individualization management style.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】83

