

The Legal Nature of a P&I Contract

【作者】 郑璐璐

【导师】 司玉琢; 汪鹏南;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 目前理论上通说认为,保赔保险合同是海上保险合同的一种,对此本文持肯定态度。在此通说的基础上,本文认为由于我国《保险法》中有关保险公司的规定仅仅是针对“商业保险”而言的,因此,保赔保险合同是否属于我国《保险法》意义上的保险合同,其法律关系的调整是否能直接适用我国《保险法》的有关规定存在争议。 基于保赔保险合同法律性质的不确定性,本文一方面在理论上探讨保赔保险合同应当被立法予以明确确认而具有的法律性质;另一方面基于上述理论认识,尝试对保赔保险合同在当前法律环境下的法律适用进行探索、总结。 在理论上保赔保险合同具有双重法律性质,即保赔保险合同既是会员合同,同时又是保险合同。首先,保赔保险产生的历史背景使保赔协会形成了特殊的组织形式。保赔协会属于保险业组织形式之一的相互保险社,这是保赔保险合同具有双重法律性质的根源。其次,从保赔保险合同的订立及其具体条款内容上看,保赔保险合同具有双重法律性质,包括保赔保险合同作为保险合同所体现出的保险基本原则、作为保险合同和会员合同的统一所具有的特征,以及其在内容构成、会费问题、纠纷解决等有关条款规定中体现出的双重性。 在实践中保赔保险合同双方当事人可以通过约定选择法律适用,从而解决合同的法律性质不明确这一缺陷。

【Abstract】 At present,the P & I insurance contract is commonly believed to be one of the marine insurance contracts. This paper holds a positive attitude towards this theory. Based on this foundation,this paper believes that the provisions in Chinese Insurance Law (CIL) are only applicable to commercial insurance contracts,therefore,in terms of Chinese law,it is still a controversy whether the P & I insurance contract is an insurance contract or not,and whether the legal relationship can be directly regulated by the CIL or not is still uncertain.In view of the uncertainty of the legal nature of a P & I insurance contract,this paper on one hand discusses the legal nature,which should by established in the legislation. On the other hand,this paper makes a research on how to apply the present legislation to a P & I insurance contract.In theory,a P & I insurance contract has a dual legal character. It is both a membership contract and an insurance contract. First,the history of P & I insurance made the P & I club take a special form of organization. The P & I club is a mutual insurance club,which is one form of insurance organization. This is the reason why the P & I insurance contract has a dual legal character. Secondly,in terms of the conclusion of the contract and its provisions in detail,P & I insurance contract has a dual character,which includes its basic insurance principles as an insurance contract,its characteristics both as an insurance contract and a membership contract and its dual character in the contract structure,the call and the provisions of mediation of an issue.In practice,the parties in a P & I insurance contract may choose the applicable law so as to solve this problem of uncertainty.

  • 【分类号】D912.28
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】189

