

Study on the Legal Issues of Frustration of Delivery of Cargo Carried by Sea

【作者】 李唯军

【导师】 胡正良;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 在海事审判实践中,因无人向承运人提示提单要求提货而引起的纠纷,是当前不断增长的海上货物运输合同案件中的一类。由于解决此类纠纷的法律依据不够充分,有限的法律法规条文不够严谨,既互有矛盾冲突之处,又与实践操作的可行性相脱节,因此在承运人、实际承运人、托运人、提单背书人、收货人等主体之间,缺乏统一的、明确的权利义务划分的界限。为了更好地平衡船货各方主体的权利义务,本文在比较《海商法》《合同法》相关条文基础上,特别提出了“交付不着”的概念,以揭示无人提货、延迟提货或拒绝提货等事实的本质特征,并且基于交付不着会产生承运人交付义务免除、注意义务减轻以及有权主张损害赔偿请求的后果,本文详细界定或阐释了交付不着的构成要件,以防止承运人滥作抗辩。针对当前承运人因交付不着寻求法律救济时可能遇到的诸多困境,本文更多地从司法的角度,从诉讼主体、诉讼时效、诉讼程序等方面着手,探讨了权利行使的主体、对象、诉讼时效以及权利行使的范围和权利行使的方式等法律问题,以期围绕交付不着主题,尽可能全面地提出一个解决此类问题的方案。其中特别评述了当前承运人、海关处置交付不着货物时遇到的法律局限,并适当地提出了有关处置方式的完善方向。总体而言,海上货物运输中的交付不着的法律问题,是一个值得重视的兼有理论和实践双重意义的法律问题,有必要在今后的立法和司法活动中加以充实丰富。

【Abstract】 In the admiralty judicial practice in China,disputes arising from the fact that no bill of lading is surrendered to the carrier for the delivery of the goods have been increasing in the recent years. Many uncertainties exist in respect of the rights and obligations of carrier and merchant,mainly because the limited statutory rules in this respect are often conflicting and infeasible. To make a better balance of interests between the carrier and merchant,this paper,based on the careful comparison between the relevant regulations of Contract Law and those of Maritime Code of the People’s Republic of China,puts forward the concept of "frustration of delivery" to unveil the nature of the facts that the consignee has delayed in or refused to taking delivery of the goods or the goods were not taken delivery of at the port of discharge. In consideration of that the carrier is exempted from the obligation of delivering the goods and conferred the rights to claim the damages due to "frustration of delivery",this paper expounds the elements requisite for the presence of "frustration of delivery" to avoid carrier’s misuse of this defense. Bearing in mind the dilemma the carrier are faced with under the circumstance of "frustration of delivery",the paper fully discusses the legal problems such as "who can sue?","who should be sued?",the time bar,and the scope and ways of exercising this right,inorder to find a comprehensive solution. Great attention is paid to thelacunae in the current law and the way to correct them. In a word,the "frustration of delivery" in the carriage of goods by sea is a legal issue of both theoretical and practical implications,which can only be gradually solved by the further legislation and judicial practice.

  • 【分类号】D923;D922.294
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】119

