

Study on the Legal Issues of Copyright under the Internet Environment

【作者】 王艺

【导师】 魏国君;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 国际互联网使得著作权法所保护的作品以新的方式传播,这必然对传统的著作权立法制度产生巨大冲击。国际互联网上涉及著作权的法律问题是多方面的,对国际互联网上著作权的法律问题进行全面的思索迫在眉睫。 本文在借鉴了它国的立法模式和一系列国际公约的基础上,旨在分析国际互联网环境下突显的三个问题。首先是互联网上有关合理使用制度的法律问题。之所以从此问题入手,是因为著作权保护的最终结果是给权利人多大独占权以平衡权利人、公众、国家三者的关系,而利益的平衡主要反映在合理使用的适度调整上。国际互联网的出现使这一问题更加突出,国际互联网环境下,合理使用的范围必须,也亟待被重新界定。本文的结论是合理使用不能成为技术保护措施和网络合同的牺牲品,在互联网上合理使用仍该有其必须的生存空间。第二个问题,本文探讨了国际互联网上网络服务商的侵权责任。因为我国现行的相关法律对ICP在网页内容和链接方面的侵权责任上并不明确,而且理论界也有不同意见,所以本文将重点放到了对此部分问题的探讨上。随着国际互联网对传统著作权体系的冲击,人们越发注意到著作权集体管理在互联网环境下的必要性。我国的著作权管理机构的建立尚在起步阶段,对此方面的法律研讨也刚刚开始。故笔者在本文探讨的第三个问题是有关国际互联网环境下著作权集体管理制度的基本法律问题。在对互联网上著作权方面突显出的此三方面问题做探讨时,笔者也在文中对我国互联网著作权方面相关法律问题进行了剖析并提出对我国相关的著作权保护、立法建议,以期促进在国际互联网环境下对著作权的保护。

【Abstract】 On the Internet, works protected by copyright law spread in a new way. The legislation of copyright, which is applicable to the traditional works, is greatly challenged in the suppositional space of the Internet. The Internet has brought many new problems that we must solve to the copyright.This thesis mainly analyzes three problems of the legislation of copyright based on other countries’ legislation and a series of international treaties. Fristly, this thesis explores fair use system on the Internet. The final purpose of protection for copyright is the balance among the copyright’s owner, public and state , through given how many rights to copyright’s owner. The fair use system is just as the same as the functions of a balance scale. On the Internet, what can be regarded as fair use and what can be not? We must have a clear idea for the new problem. The conclusion is that the technological measures and Internet contracts can not invade the user’s fair use. The second part, the author explored the infringement obligation of ISP and ICP in the web page and concerning about hyperlink, because the laws of China concerned have not definite regulation and protection. Thirdly, the thesis also explored the basic characteristics of copyright collective management under the environment of the Internet .At last, on the basis of analysis to the concerned legislation and law of our country, the author provided some legislative suggestions and law protections concerned.

  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【下载频次】221

