

The Evaluation System of Operational Requirement Inspection of Fire-fighting and Boat Drills on Passenger Ship

【作者】 李智青

【导师】 朱玉柱;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 针对当前客船事故频发、影响恶劣的形势以及交通部〖水上运输安全管理年〗关于“结合本地、本单位,坚持体制创新、制度创新、科技创新和管理创新”的活动目标的要求,“客船消防救生演习操作性检查评价系统”采用了系统工程的研究方法。通过研究国内强制性规定、借鉴国内外的经验和对行业内的专家和一线客船船员的走访、调研,从安全检查的角度制定出了一套适合我国沿海客船消防、旅客集合/弃船和人员落水演习的操作性检查标准;然后又通过制定评价指标体系、评价标准体系和权重体系,采用定量测量和评价的数学方法,确立出评价系统。 在传统的方法显然不适合本系统的权重确定的情况下,经走访征求业内专家的意见后,结合工作的实际情况和作者的工作经验,对本系统评价要素权重确定方法予以大胆的创新。 为了便于在实际检查工作中应用,笔者在有关专业软件设计人员的帮助下将本评价系统设计成为应用软件,使实际检查工作更具科学性、客观性和便利性。此评价系统和利用计算机辅助检查和评估方法的结合在国内外同客船安全检查行业中处于领先水平。 该项研究的应用将会对提高我国的沿海客船行业的安全运输,保障船员、旅客的生命安全,减少海上特大恶性事故的发生起到重要作用。同时,该项研究在一定程度上为日常安全检查工作中普遍存在的一些类似问题提供了解决思路,具有一定的推广价值。

【Abstract】 In allusion to the current situation of frequent passenger ship accidents, which had very bad influences and the aims of "Waterborne Transport Safety Management Year" which include "system innovation, rule and regulation innovation, and technology innovation and management innovation", "The Evaluation System of Operational Requirement Inspection of Fire-fighting and Boat Drills on Passenger Ship" adopted the methods of "system engineering" in the research. Via study on the domestic compulsory regulations, reference to the domestic and international experience and enquiry for the expertise and seamen on board the passenger ships, a set of operational requirement inspection standards for the fire-fighting and boat drills, which are applicable to the passenger ships of domestic littoral navigation, was set up. By using quantitative measurement and evaluation method, the evaluation indicator subsystem, evaluation criterion subsystem and weighing factor subsystem of the entire evaluation system were established.Since the traditional method are not applicable here, by consulting the experts, taking the practical application into consideration, the writer innovated the way to set the weighing subsystem.For the sake of actual inspection, the writer designed computer software with the help of professional software designers, so as to make the inspection more scientific, objective and convenient.The combination of the evaluation system and the inspection with computer aids keeps ahead in the area of passenger ship inspection throughout the world.The application of the research would be significant for our country on improving the safety of the littoral transportation of passenger ship, ensuring the safety of the lives of passengers and seafarers and reducing the severe passenger ship disasters on the sea. In the mean time, as the research just tackles some similar problems on routine ship safety inspection, it is valuable to be used as reference for the application of the rest parts of the inspection work.

【关键词】 客船演习操作性检查评价
【Key words】 Passenger shipDrillOperational RequirementInspection evaluation
  • 【分类号】U664.88
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】141

